Nurse Jackie Review: "The Astonishing"

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You won't believe this, but "The Astonishing" concluded with a close-up of the main character's intense, worried face. Isn't that a major shift from the norm?!?

For the umpteenth week in a row, the show made it look like Jackie was on the edge of losing it - drug supply dwindling, husband questioning their relationship, daughter on edge, co-workers suspicious - concluding an installment with what it must believe is a character-based cliffhanger.

Coop and Thor

But do any viewers really think this will be different? That something truly dramatic will take place next Monday?

I can, at least, admit that I didn't see Bill's death by truck coming. It was nice to be surprised for a change. Can't say I have any reaction to his demise, however. His presence as Jackie's drug dealer just served to kill some time for a couple weeks while she searched for ways to support her habit.

Might she get really desperate now? Might that result in some kind of drastic, series-altering action? I hope so. But I'm not confident.

Elsewhere, Coop's mourning period really has to end soon. It was sort of cute at first, it revealed just how child-like this doctor is... but now it's tiresome and it's making my favorite character less fun.

There were two positive notes from the episode, though:

  1. Who doesn't love former Wonder Years star Dan Lauria? His appearance also drove home just how committed to his marriage Kevin clearly is.
  2. Zoey used to be jail bait. Her bait used to be all about jail. Hilarious.

What did everyone else think?

The Astonishing Review

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Rating: 2.8 / 5.0 (8 Votes)

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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