Project Runway Review: Tears & Pixie Dust

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It's back to the 1970's on Project Runway - but doesn't it feel like we were there? Last week's band challenge had a very strong 70's vibe, but here Tim stresses that this is sophisticated 70's. Was there ever really such a thing? Our designers are going to aim for it nevertheless.

They're off to Mood, where Anya loses her $100 cash budget. The show won't give her any more money so she's in a pickle. What are her options? She can cash money or fabric from other designers and she can use the muslin back at the studio.

Inspired by the 70s

No doubt remembering how Anya has helped her fellow designers in the past, almost everyone assists her out in some way, except Viktor. He's not about to aid the competition. Careful there Vik. Karma's a bitch.

Anya is like the fashion pixie. She dyes some muslin, borrows some fabric and makes two beautiful jumpers. Where she keeps her magic dust no one is sure but it certainly works. When the outfits finally walk the runway, only Kimberly is safe.

On the Top:

  • Viktor: With his snake skin inspired outfits. Heidi says these are two great looks but not sexy enough. Michael thinks the t-shirt is fantastic but the jacket over it is killing the sex and Nina admires the beautiful tailoring. 
  • Anya: The judges are impressed that her first look only costs $11.50 to make but Michael says the top looks like the color of chewed Dentyne. They all love the chiffon in the back of the second look and Nina adores that print.
  • Bert: Heidi likes the dress print but questions how short the shirts are. Michael likes the bare shoulders of the metallic chiffon. Nina says she would buy it. The other short dress is simple but beautiful and the silver metal ends of the belt make it look more expensive.

On the Bottom:

  • Laura: Nina thinks the striped top looks like a prison uniform and the flowery print is weird. Tim wasn't kidding when he warned Laura that Nina questions her taste level. The other look is too monochromatic. It won't show up on-line
  • Josh: Michael tells him  "You've got real schizophrenia between the two outfits." Plaid pants are against every fashion law of nature and the butt makes Michael scream. Heidi declares it the worst outfit she's seen in a long time and Nina calls his choice of fabric horrendous.
  • Anthony: The skirt and the print don't work. Nina says it's hippie dippie and not in a good way. The layering doesn't work. Michael gasps at the fit of the skirt.  Heidi thinks they are two boring girls. 

And the winner is... Anya! I think they really appreciate her perseverance and her jumper is gorgeous.

I really thought Josh was on his way out this time but he caught a break. Nina likes that he takes risks but he needs to learn to edit and take criticism. That leaves Anthony packing his bags. It's never a good thing when the judges think your model could be part of a cult, and a boring one at that.

You know how Tim did a church hug on Oliver, the kind where you hug because it's polite and expected, not because you want to? Well, with Anthony it's the polar opposite. Tim is in tears and can't bear to see him go. I even got a little choked up watching the two. Next time, Tim, pass the tissues first.

Sew 70s Review

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C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Project Runway Season 9 Episode 10 Quotes

They look like I'm making pants for a 500 lbs. woman.


You've got real schizophrenia between the two outfits.

Michael Kors