How To Make It In America Review: Say It Don't Spray It

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On this week's episode,"The Friction," we learned that Nancy was the one who pushed Yosi to manufacture CRISP, not the Gadzooks girls.

Nancy told Ben that her husband had been a behind-the-scenes man for so long, maybe he wanted a shot in the spotlight. Maybe it was Nancy who was tired of being married someone such as this because it made her between-the-sheets activities harder to keep hidden. With his shiny new label to play with, Nancy would have all the time she wanted to screw Ben or any number of other boy toys.

Ben and Cam at a Meeting

Only problem with that move, though, is that Yoko-Nancy is causing a rift between Cam and Ben. I have no doubt the two friends will mend their ties, but for now Ben is blinded by dollar signs. On his walk in the park, perhaps while looking for some perspective, he saw Wilfredo doing a photo shoot.

Even the crazy, chemically-imbalanced skater is making a living for himself, so why shouldn't Ben? The whole notion of "selling out" is, in my opinion, "played out." Honor is in the dollar, so if you need some help along the way, to get your message out there, by all means take it. This is the age of collaboration, very few people can make it on their own and, even after they do, they are not adverse to sharing the spotlight or the cash register to make something even more special.

Look at Jay-Z and Kanye. Kanye can't hold a candle to Hova, but now with Watch the Throne, they are mentioned in the same breath by many. Is that undeserving or upsetting to me as a life long Jay-Z fan? Somewhat, but there is no denying Kanye's talent and if their partnership is what it takes to get songs like "Who Gon Stop Me," so be it. So I guess part of me wants Ben and Cam to do the deal to see what they are capable of with some real resources at their disposal.

CRISP is a clothing label, it's not Facebook. There is nothing revolutionary about putting a random word on a hoodie and selling it, so I think Cam needs to come off the creative high horse and at least hear Ben out. Oh, and the next time you plan on transporting drugs across state lines, maybe choose a car that isn't covered with a picture of a gun toting skeleton in Rasta gear.

Unfortunately for Rachel, her boss wasn't willing to hear her out, either, as she ceremoniously fired our beautiful bohemian. This, of course, gave way to the magical scenes of her and Tim walking around on their mushroom trip. The buzz was ruined when Tim got busted by Heather, but Rachel was hysterical as she tried to break up the fight between the two while telling Heather to "use you words."

Rene continued to straddle the line between criminal and corporate and delivered some of his best scenes to date, such as his consultation with Kappo. How great was it when the grandma sprayed some of the "perfume" on herself? I was hoping for a funny scene there.

I'm loving this season and could gush about this week's episode much longer, but I'll leave it here so I can hopefully read what others thought.

The Friction Review

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How To Make It In America Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Robin: I do need you to go see Karen Bender in legal.
Rachel: Uh,OK.
Robin: She's going to tell you that you're fired...cute shoes.

Ben: Hey you want me to hold on to this for you?
Kappo: No I don't! That's my bubby's.