Covert Affairs Review: Many The Milestone

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The Covert Affairs season finale was filled with personal milestones for Annie, an emotional disappointment for Auggie and a painfully selfish - yet strategically savvy - maneuver by Mr. Jai Wilcox.

Annie Walker has been a CIA field agent for a while now, but not until "Letter Never Sent" had she killed a man. In an effort to save herself, and especially her sister, our favorite blonde American took down the guy coming after them with a few shots to the chest. Thank God for that recent gun training.

Smitten Annie

I was always a fan of Annie's lack of gun use on the show, but here it was necessary, and the writers did a good job building up to this moment over the course of the second season. Without her newfound ability to use a firearm, Danielle would probably be dead, and Annie would be a complete mess.

Thanks to Danielle and her big mouth, Annie started to think about Auggie in a way the fans have been dreaming of since Jump Street. Recognizing that there may be a romantic attachment between them was certainly a milestone for Annie and the show.

I know that I would love to see these two kids get together by the end of this series - and if most fans didn't agree, I'd be surprised - but thankfully the writers realized that this was not the time. If this show expects to go on for more than one or two more seasons, it is way too early to hook this pair up.

I have faith that Covert Affairs will handle the situation correctly, allowing it all to die down for a long time before bringing any of the Aunnie (Aggie?) stuff back to the screen. The man still has feelings for Parker, and that needs to stick for a while.

Finally, Danielle nonchalantly asked Annie to move back in with her, and she accepted. That was easy. All it took was a bullets-blazing trip to Stockholm to get sis back on board? Who knew?

While Annie was achieving all of these new feats in her life, Auggie was attempting one himself. Does Auggie work as well as a character with his sight back? Probably not, but that doesn't mean that we weren't all rooting for the doctor to say he was a perfect candidate for that stem cell therapy.

What made the whole thing work so perfectly is that Auggie always seems so comfortable with his situation. He is a fun-loving, confident guy, who can joke around about his disability. When he discovered he wasn't a candidate, and he showed that emotion, it was heart-breaking. Auggie was extremely disappointed, and so was I.

And then there was Jai, who had himself quite the arc in this 42 minutes of action. Everyone and their brother was expecting him to turn on Arthur, including Auggie with his fantastic elevator pitch. When Jai turned on his father instead, it seemed as if the point was going to be that he had sided with the good guys and done the right thing for once.

No, no, no. Jai was being just as manipulative as always. The only reason he turned on his dad was to get rid of his nepotism stink, and in turn force Arthur and Joan to face their own nepotism issues when Jai goes after Joan's job! Wow, he is evil. Brilliant, but evil.

This was a great ending to the second season of Covert Affairs. "Letter Never Sent" also gave us Danielle out and about for once, the extreme levels of suspense created by the ticking clock in Magnus's house and the reinforcement of Arthur and Joan's stable relationship, thanks to the former's ex-wife.

After an up-and-down winter run, I am definitely excited to see what the series has up its sleeves come season three. If this finale is a precursor, we may be in for a wild ride.

Letter Never Sent Review

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Dan Forcella is a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow him on Twitter.

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