Matt's Most Memorable Moments: A Rejection, A Return & More!

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Rejection is rarely a good thing. Unless you're a fan of NCIS. And, with that tease, let's delve into another rundown of the week's most memorable moments, shall we?

5. 30 Rock returns! I could pinpoint the opening theme music, if you insist on a specific moment, but I just smiled for 30 minutes straight last night with Liz Lemon, Jack Donaghy and company back in my life.

4. A wonderful woman. Erica Durance appeared on Harry's Law in a Wonder Woman costume. This is the only chance this show ever has of making this list, so seems worthy of a shout-out.

3. NCI... NO. Whether or not they hold out hope that Tiva will one day earn that terrific couple name as a romantic item, NCIS fans breathed a sigh of relief when Ziva turned down CI-Ray's marriage proposal, and another when he got busted. Next roadblock: The return of Tony's ex-fiancee Wendy...

Ziva on the Scene

2. A walk down the aisle. Granted, Ryan and Jenny's wedding didn't get nearly the attention I thought it would, based on promos for Castle leading in to "Till Death Do Us Part." But the sight of Castle and Beckett walking in to the ceremony together? The notion that this show is truly, finally, seriously heading in that direction? It made the episode 100% worthwhile.

1. The good fight. Eli Gold vs. David Lee on last Sunday's The Good Wife episode was, well, pure gold. As if their initial confrontation wasn't entertaining enough, with Lee utterly shocked someone like Eli even existed at the firm, the fight was (temporarily, I hope) ended when Diane stepped in like a mother grounding her incorrigible kids.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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