Ringer Review: Confessing Their Sins

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"That Woman's Never Been A Victim Her Entire Life" kicked off right where last week's episode ended, with Andrew bleeding on the floor.

Andrew did indeed jump in front of a bullet to save Bridget. I can only hope that he remembers this loving, romantic moment with Bridget when the truth finally comes out... but somehow I don't think that's going to happen.

Did anyone else notice that when Henry told Siobhan there had been a shooting she didn't look at all surprised? What sparked her interest was that the victim was Andrew and not Bridget.

Entering a Hospital

So did Siobhan set up her sister or does she truly believe that Andrew wants her dead?

At least Henry seemed to be smartening up a little bit. Thank goodness. It was tiring watching him be nothing more than Siobhan's lap dog these last few weeks.

There were an awful lot of confessions in this episode. Henry told Siobhan that he'd been the one to kill Tyler, accidentally of course. But that didn't stop him from swapping out the thumb drives. The biggest surprise there was that Henry didn't go running back to Siobhan. Instead, he gave the evidence to his father-in-law. 

I suppose his father-in-law's fortune will someday go to his children and Henry has decided to protect his own family. Too bad he hadn't come to that realization much sooner. Perhaps Gemma would still be around.

The other big confessions were that Andrew had paid off Malcolm to leave town and forget all about Martin Charles. Was Malcolm smart enough to take the payoff and run? At this point, no one knows for sure.

Then Bridget told Andrew about the attacker she killed on the Ringer premiere. Wow, that seems like such a long time ago that I'd almost forgotten about it.

I really didn't think that Siobhan was going to tell Andrew the truth until she entered his hospital room. How do you even start that conversation? 

And Catherine certainly has a unique perspective on mother/daughter bonding. Mommie dearest went a little too far with poor Juliet who made her own confession to Bridget. With all of these big revelations, it's becoming difficult to remember who knows what about whom.

Machado was right. The body count at Martin Charles was certainly piling up. Andrew's been shot. Tyler's dead. Malcolm and Olivia were missing. This is not a safe work environment.

Do you think Malcolm's dead? Who will come clean first, Bridget or Siobhan? And is Olivia an evil mastermind or just a thief on the run? 

If you've missed a moment you'll want to check out all of the entertaining Ringer quotes and past reviews to try and keep up because you know this show isn't about to slow down.

That Woman's Never Been A Victim Her Entire Life Review

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C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Ringer Season 1 Episode 18 Quotes

Isn't a growing body count enough to keep looking into their business?


Machado: He jumped in front of the bullet?
Bridget: He saved my life.