Breaking Bad Review: The Ugly Truth

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Breaking Bad is clearly in a league of its own, as these final episodes tick away with some of the most intense, captivating and downright fantastic moments on television.

There is such a sense that things are coming to a solid close on the story of the chemistry teacher turned meth king, but each passing conversation, confrontation and confession make the dwindling hours that much sweeter.

Sure, the episode began with Todd recounting one of the greatest train heists ever to his aryan brothers (made much more exciting because we got to witness it), followed by a road trip to New Mexico to set up shop. And while it was easy to discern the setting up for a future and probable issue for the new business runners and Walter White, the rest of the episode put that tiny segment into the rearview mirror.

Jesse in Thought

Hank finally got his one-on-one with the emotionally-spaced Jesse and immediately let Jesse know that he knew that Walter was Heisenberg. It was great to see Jesse finally make a real reaction at the mention while similarly telling Hank to "Eat me" at the notion of ratting on Walter.

But it couldn't compare to one of the most awkward family dinners ever. I couldn't help but laugh at the server trying to act peppy with orders before realizing he better just get out of the way.

The back and forth was simply engrossing, as Hank talked about taking Walter to jail, Walter told Marie to quit luring his kids away, Skyler tried to convince everyone that it was all in the past and Marie told Walter to kill himself. I was shocked Marie said it and so brazenly. The family is obviously torn apart and will never be put back the way it was - and that dinner was just another prime example of the downward spiral.

But "Confessions" topped the dinner sequence by revealing one of the ultimate blackmail manipulations from Walter (with assistance from Skyler), providing Hank and Marie with a DVD confessional that offered up Hank as the drug lord who used Walter for his own nefarious means, killed Gus Fring, held his children hostage and beat up Walter for trying to get out.

What an acting job from Walter that I was even more put back by his actions. He was lying while revealing the truth. Giving himself the out while getting it all out in the open with the blame on Hank. Walter is not a good guy, that's for sure.

And on top of that, Hank realized how screwed he now is, especially with Marie using their drug money to pay for his medical bills. I have no idea what Hank is going to do. And it's clear that Walter, who has seemly left his Heisenberg days, never eliminated that side from himself.

Take the manipulative talk with Walter Jr. Amazing.

It's a little less clear on whether he was "working" Jesse, though. Walter has always acted like something of a father, but it's become so hard to tell what is sincere with him anymore.

I was so glad that Jesse stood up to Walter with those tears in eyes, telling him to just ask for that favor to leave and calling him out on killing Mike. And Walter simply chose to hug him. Sincere? Maybe, but I felt bad for Jesse, who has taken the emotional roller coaster ride, leaving him more broken than anything.

It certainly looked like Jesse was going to get out of dodge with Saul's help, make a new life in Alaska and hopefully start fresh.

But all that dramatically changed in true Breaking Bad fashion, sending us off on a powerfully and emotionally charged ending.

With his drugs swiped on his way out, Jesse realized while holding the pack of cigarettes the horrible truth: that Walter poisoned the child back in the Breaking Bad Season 4 finale, "Face Off."

And the space cadet, zoned out Jesse was gone with an out of control (perhaps more in control?) Jesse beating the crap out of Saul, getting him to confess the truth to back up what he realized, all before heading to Walter's house and pouring gasoline throughout.

Jesse is most definitely no longer on Walter's side now and the rather comical retrieval of the gun in the soda machine by Walter proved that there is going to be plenty of death and destruction by the time the series is up. And let's not forget: Todd and his crew are going to eventually tie back into it all.

I still can't get over this outstanding episode and can't wait for its return next week to see Vince Gilligan and company nail it on the head once more. All bad things must come to end, right? Thank goodness we get to witness it in all its Breaking Bad glory.

Confessions Review

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Sean McKenna was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. He retired in May of 2017. Follow him on Twitter.

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