Revolution Review: The Americans Are Coming

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There was a lot of love going around in "Love Story."

But some of those stories were better than others told on Revolution this week.

Aaron in Danger

It’s interesting that all of characters, both new and old, are solely focusing on their loved ones. The crazy headmaster is willing to continually find new sources of blood for his wife and then manually pump new blood into her since dialysis isn’t really an option anymore. Every character is driven by love of some kind – some of it’s emotional, some of it’s crazy.

Rachel is successful in rescuing Miles and it’s clear she loves him. She’s always willing to stand by him and help him out. Rachel is probably telling herself that all of the help she’s giving Miles is because he assisted Charlie, but the last scene of the two of them attempting to fight back the headmaster’s men tells another: it’s love (I’m noticing a pattern).

The Americans, or the Patriots, are in a completely different frame of mind: love of land, and maybe love of country. I’m not completely convinced the American’s are truly in it for the latter, though. There’s a lot of lies and misinformation being spread just to begin bringing people back into the fold. With the bounties Monroe discovered, the Americans are trying to find everyone that was in the Tower at the time of the nukes falling; most likely to keep information about what really happened a secret. The Americans are also attempting to reclaim the land, in a Manifest Destiny 2.0 like fashion.

Charlie and Monroe, aside from the bounties, did not have much to do this installment. Monroe is beginning to feel like a grown up compared to the man in Revolution Season 1. He’s not growing unhinged from not getting his way and it looks like he genuinely wants to help Charlie and her family. In some miracle of storytelling, Monroe is actually someone to root for now.

Neville, and his love for revenge, is becoming unbearable. He’s far too cocky. He’s good at reading a situation – it’s his one true skill – but the blackout has given him a love for violence. The man can’t live without being in a constant rotation of violence and calm, and the only reason he’s able to last for so long is because he knows which side to be on at all times and who to talk to.

What’s most unbearable is the way Neville treats Jason. He doesn’t even know the terms of Secretary Allenford’s conditions and he’s already pawning Jason off, possibly to his death, for his own standing in the organization. Neville wasn’t much of a father to begin with, but now he’s sinking to new lows.

Finally, there’s Aaron. There isn’t much to talk about with him as a character during this episode. Mainly it deals with the nanites. One potential downfall Revolution Season 2 could run in to is over reliance on the nanites. This happened last season, basically over a light switch, and I’m happy to see that, so far, the nanites are being abused for story or easy plot devices.

Love Story Review

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Revolution Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

Keep your eyes at sea level or I poke them out.


You send any of your boys in I will slit her throat. I've still got one good hand left.
