Grimm Review: The Walking Dead

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The ramifications of Nick’s time as a member of the undead came quickly in Grimm Season 3 Episode 2, as everyone he cares about is now completely swept along in the cover up.

Finding Nick

Nick’s time Grimm Smashing has come to end, but his hangover as a zombie is far from over.

Showing the ability to go in and out of actual death in his sleep – complete with the grey face and heart stoppage – I’m curious to see how this new ability of his is incorporated into Grimm Season 3.

The bigger issue is what Nick did as a zombie: killing a man. Nick wants to turn himself in and I can understand that if it was two years prior, but that Nick is long gone. Like Renard explained to Nick, he’s in two worlds now.

As much as Nick wants to abide by the morality that drives him as a cop and a human, he’s not that man anymore. What might not go in Portland is perfectly acceptable in the Wesen world.

Nick might not always agree with that line of thinking, but he didn’t have any say in the matter when committing the acts; and he didn’t have much of a say after being cured since Renard, Rosalee and Juliette put themselves in the line of fire to cover Nick’s trail. Even so, what Nick did isn’t quite murder. Going by the tape, it’s far more likely that it’s self-defense or manslaughter.

I’m having difficulty believing Eric is dead, but with his plan to bring the Grimm back to Europe foiled, I suppose it might be better that he is dead. With Renard’s mother calling him so they can talk, I’m starting to wonder if Renard is next in line to head up the family. I don’t recall Renard having any other full brothers or sisters, so it’s likely he’s up next.

If that does happen, it puts Renard in a precarious position. He’s been attempting to get back at his family and keep the Grimm away from them - and he’s now done both.

Along the way, Renard’s protecting of Nick and his friends has ended up dragging him along for the ride and Renard does seem fond of everyone. So if he were to join the family and become its new king, then that leaves him with potentially trying to bring back the Grimm.

This idea also brings back memories of “Three Coins in a Fuschbau” when Renard, driven by the coins, saw himself as a leader. He dreams of being a leader, so what is he willing to do to get it?

Adalind continued her journey to get her powers back, and this week she got to sew the flowers she picked into Frau Pech’s corpse.

Could this ritual get any grosser? Sewing the corpse up, biting the bloody thread,and then Adalind rubbing those flower guts all over her pregnant self?!?

If I were Adalind, I would be wiping my hands on my pants and yelling “nope!” as I hauled it out of there and back to Portland. Why is Adalind so hell bent on getting her powers back? What is so wrong with being human? I hope Grimm Season 3 begins to answer those questions.

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Grimm Season 3 Episode 2 Quotes

Nick: Well, how did I look?
Juliette: You looked dead.

I don’t know how you handle family issues, but I hope you’re not going to let him get away with this.
