Masters of Sex Review: Blurred Lines

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It's been clear throughout the series Masters of Sex that Bill definitely feels something more for Virginia than a normal colleague does.

Masters of Sex Season 1 Episode 7 showed us how crossing a few lines could make Bill and Virginia's relationship a little more dangerous.

However, by the end of the hour, it was no longer Bill's attachment I was so worried about.

Secret Treatments

The episode opened with Bill and Virginia participating in the study, aka having sex with a ton of wires attached to them. Things looked pretty mechanical and almost dull. Virginia noted afterward that it could have been due to the position.

At the end of Masters of Sex Season 1 Episode 6, Virginia's participation in the study was merely to show Bill how an orgasm could be achieved simply by the fondling of a breast. "We're scientists," she told him. Did anyone think it was a good idea when she first stripped down?

Now Ethan has seen them both coming out of the experiment room late at night and Libby complained how late Bill has been in getting home. Virginia could not have acted anymore awkward in that scene. She could barely look Libby in the eye. It didn't matter if it was scientific or not, the facts were facts: Virginia was having sex with Bill and Bill was not having sex with Libby.

At Virginia's insistence, Bill went home early and rectified the situation by romancing his wife. It should be noted that Virginia didn't just give Bill advice, she flat out said she wouldn't have sex with him until he started having sex with Libby again. I know this whole thing is part of an experiment, but this is when things get into a gray area.

By the end of the episode, I think it was Virginia who had formed more of an attachment. She seemed a little sad or jealous that Bill was off to dinner after they'd just had intense intercourse. It also doesn't help that Bill gives her double meaning compliments.

To really anticipate someone’s needs, that’s a rare thing.


Maybe it was a good thing that Ethan saw Virginia and Bill leaving the study. It forced him to realize that he needs to move on and get more serious about Vivian. I hope he was serious when he told her she was his future. I also hope he never lays a hand on her the way he did with Virginia.

I can't believe that Barton got stabbed! I also can't believe he thought he could stitch himself up, but then again I'm not a doctor. Bill was quick to call him out on his lie and I felt a little bad for him. Barton can't come clean to Margaret about any of it and he does love her as a person, he's just not attracted to her. It was a different day and age.

I felt awful for Margaret when she confronted Barton about how he didn't care about her having an affair and asked him why he hadn't touched her in six years. it's a crappy situation for both of them, neither is honest with the other. Barton didn't even flinch when she told him to go straight to his room and not come out while her guest left.

Meanwhile, Teddy is so freaked out that Margaret thanked him and formed an emotional attachment. What did he think was going to happen after the way he's been acting? Jane was right when she told him it was in his head. I'm interested in what the shrink has to say about him.

I feel like things have finally gotten really interesting on Masters of Sex. It was always a well done show with great actors, but now they're turned up the intrigue and I find myself more interested and invested in the characters. Especially when Libby makes a foreshadowing comment like this:

Maybe someday someone he shares a passion with, will have more to offer him than his wife.

Libby [about Bill]

So what do you all think of the latest developments? Are Bill and Virginia taking the study too far? What can we expect next from our characters on Masters of Sex?

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Masters of Sex Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

You’d be surprised at the number of subjects who’ve admitted to losing their virginity in the backseat of cars.


Aren’t you worried leaving me alone in your home? I’ll snoop. The minute you’re out that door, I’m go through every drawer in the house, every coat pocket.

Vivian [to Ethan]