Brooklyn Nine-Nine Review: The Ebony Falcon Soars Again

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It was business as usual for Brooklyn Nine-Nine, with another solid episode under its belt this week. 

Like last Tuesday, Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 1 Episode 14 delivered a great combination of heart and humor.

FIRST: The Steroid Bust
Jake and Charles have done some undercover work at a gym to bust a steroid ring, but they needed someone to actually make contact with the drug pusher, Brandon Jacobi. Their plan was to send Sgt Jeffards - a.k.a. The Ebony Falcon -  undercover as a personal trainer  - and really, who better? It's Terry freakin' Crews!

Everyone started off being concerned since this was Terry's first real assignment back in the field. However, after seeing Terry interact with his daughters, Jake became more concerned that Terry would get hurt. 

The minute Jake freaked out about the kids, I knew it had to do with his own issues with his father. Jake knows what it's like to grow up without a dad and he didn't want to be the cause of that happening to Terry's children. 

However, Jake was so concerned about Terry that he almost botched the entire investigation, and left him out of the case's progress in order to protect him.

Terry finally confronted Jake about it - during a sparring session, no less - and gave Jake another lesson. Embracing your fears can often make you a stronger person than running away from them will. Also, I'm sure Jake got the point after Terry single-handedly took down four guys.

I think this story was actually the weaker of the two. For one, Jake's daddy issues seem to be the root of a lot of his personal conflict on the show,  but it's usually handled in a way that feels real. This was the first time that it was both obvious and slightly over the top. The resolution was great, but the execution could have been better.

My second complaint - I realize that this is a comedy and not a crime procedural, but man, I REALLY wanted to see Terry take those guys down!

That said, I still got a lot of laughs out of Charles's zeal for management. I would have appreciated the cold water, Charles!!


Gina's apartment got robbed, and Rosa and Amy were assigned to investigate the home invasion. Just when you think Gina can't get any weirder, you hear what's in her apartment. Nesting dolls of Joseph Gordon-Levitt. A strand of Mario Lopez's hair. Lycra body-suits for the ages.

Total worth to Gina? $700 million dollars in sentimental value. Comedic value? Priceless.

Though Rosa and Amy (and Holt for a while) did a thorough investigation of the apartment, they unfortunately couldn't find the robber. That just made Gina go a little crazier  - she spent all night at Amy's, she hired a private investigator and then filed a civilian complaint against Rosa and Amy for not finding the guy. 

Holt had to spell it out for the detectives - Gina was scared. Who wouldn't be? (Well, besides Rosa and her axe.)  Her home didn't feel safe anymore, and she didn't know what to do now that the guy wasn't found. Rosa and Amy just couldn't see that vulnerability behind her acerbic, sardonic and dismissive personality.

Another solid episode from the folks at Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

Other Notes

  • Today in Hitchcock & Scully: Did we find out if Kelly was his dog or his wife? I must know!
  • Oh my goodness, Cagney and Lacey were ADORABLE!

The Ebony Falcon Review

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