Almost Human Review: Full Potential

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While the 2014 Olympics are raging elsewhere on our televisions, Almost Human is quickly finishing out its first season, this week airing one of its strongest episodes yet.

The return of Kennex' flashbacks to the ambush and the Insyndicate storyline made this installment stand out from the botched order in such a way as to almost render the unevenness of Almost Human season 1 moot.


Almost Human Season 1 Episode 10 was both a procedural which featured the lovely Valerie Stahl and a closer look at the ambush that started this whole thing.

The procedural aspect of tonight's episode was intriguing in that it introduced us to yet another layer in the Almost Human sci-fi world. 

Two "chromes," genetically modified teenagers, were found dead, having died within moments of each other but on opposite sides of town. During the investigation, we're able to learn just a bit more about Valerie Stahl, albeit not much.

We know she's uncomfortable with other chromes and that it's unusual for a chrome to become a cop. Typically, they seek much higher level jobs, but something about police work called to her.

Most likely, it was the absence of chromes in the field. Somewhere in her is a desire to be "normal" and probably a bit of resentment that her parents chose to have her genetically modified before she was born. 

Stahl's desire to be normal is probably what draws her to John Kennex, though as we saw tonight, Kennex is anything but.

Since the ambush, which we saw in the Almost Human pilot, John has been trying to gather missing pieces of his memory by seeing a Recollectionist. We just don't know about it because the episodes were aired out of order all season, opting to focus on the growth of Kennex' relationship to Dorian instead of what made him the officer he is.

But that's done! We're done with the out of order episodes and now we can all rejoice!

Now we'll get to see what Insyndicate has been up to, and learn more about Kennex' ex-girlfriend Anna.

We're either to believe that Kennex has been having flashbacks all along or that they've suddenly started up as a result of some unknown trauma. Either way, they are real and they are steady now.

The episode probably could have done without the return visit to the Recollectionist, not because it isn't a neat idea, but because we've already seen Kennex push himself too far in the memory-recovery chair to waste time on it again. It's enough to tell us he's going to the Recollectionist, show him going inside, and then...I don't know what then.

Probably jump to a dream sequence and Kennex waking up from that. (Kind of like the opening...)

What we do know about Insyndicate after tonight is that they've been watching John's apartment using little Russian nesting dolls with transmitters in the paint. What, exactly, they've heard, we don't know. Nor do we know if their funky technology afforded them sight into Kennex' apartment. I guess we'll have to wait and see for the answers to both of those questions.

Because of the Kennex flashbacks and Stahl-centered storylines tonight, we didn't get as much Kennex-Dorian banter as we're used to and it was definitely missed. We did see Dorian's concern for Kennex, from both the programmed android and synthetic-soul parts of him.

It's a shame that Almost Human is picking up storyline steam just as the series is set to bring its first season to a close, but hey, at least they'll go out with a bang instead of a whimper, right?

What did you think of Almost Human season 1 episode 10? Are you glad for the return to the Insyndicate story line?

Perception Review

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Rating: 4.6 / 5.0 (31 Votes)

Miranda Wicker was a Staff Writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in 2017. Follow her on Twitter.

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Almost Human Season 1 Episode 10 Quotes

John: Look who it is! Benedict Android!
Dorian: Good morning to you too, John!

Lab tech: If I get any heat from this, I'm telling them you threatened me.
John: You're in luck! They'll believe that.