Blue Bloods Review: Going Too Far

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There were plenty of women targeted in Blue Bloods Season 4 Episode 14 for an array of reasons. Although each handled it differently, Detective Baker was definitely my favorite. 

Murder of a Drag Queen

Love how Baker takes on Deputy Chief Sal DeLuca at the symposium. How much of a jerk do you have to be to make lewd and harassing remarks in the middle of a conference full of your peers? As much as Frank obviously wanted to step in, it was great that he held back and let Baker deal with the jackass herself.

Apparently this wasn't the first time she's had to do so. She said she kept his voicemails in case things escalated but shouldn't 150 voicemails already be considered harassment? 

I found it interesting that NYPD had surveillance drones to follow the car. I wonder if DeLuca saw that one coming?

The case of the murdered drag queen was actually very sad. When Burton broke down in tears in the interrogation room after finding out that Tiffany had been killed, it was his broken, "I was going to show him Paris" that really got to me. 

The 1940's film noir look and mood music was a hoot. Loved Tallulah's outfit and the way she dealt with Danny. They were such fun together. 

Erin's abduction was truly scary and for that reason I can understand why she was so angry at Doris Cooper…but I also understood why she let the dying woman go. 

As far as the other ADA. Yes, he was an ass and had quite the chip on his shoulder but I couldn't completly blame him for Timothy Cooper's case falling through the cracks. Erin only figured it out because the woman bought a $3,000 coat two years later and then decided to run the license plate of the car she was driving. Then took it a step further and had another state unseal juvenile records. That took a lot of jumps and just the right timing to come up with the answers that cleared Timothy.

As usual, the Reagan family dinner was great fun as Nicky asked who had the most speeding tickets. Turns out it was the last person she expected as Henry answered her in this Blue Bloods quote

It was your lead foot mother in Joe's hot rod.


I have no doubt her father made her pay for every one of those tickets. 

Once again, my only complaint was that we only got to see Jamie at the family dinner. I can only hope that there's a story arc with his name on it coming our way sometime soon. 

Your turn TV Fanatics. Would you like to see more of Jamie Reagan this season?

Manhattan Queens Review

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C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Blue Bloods Season 4 Episode 14 Quotes

Tallulah: You catch on pretty fast.
Danny: That's why they gave me a gun and a shield.

The right to a speedy trial is fair and that doesn't take an expert.
