Twisted Review: Hello, Goodbye

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I hope you're all caught up on Twisted - because the episode kicked off running and didn't stop until the last second!

Twisted Season 1 Episode 12 picked up right after the police announced they had a warrant for Danny's arrest.

New Secrets

When we left off on Twisted Season 1 Episode 11, shady investigator Marilyn Rossi claimed that the murder weapon for Regina Crane's case was found when the lake was re-drained. Convenient, right? The pipe supposedly had Danny's prints all over it. Facing getting hauled off to jail again, Danny fled.

At the tail end of the finale, Jo's mom Tess called Vikram and told him it was time to come back. Dun, dun, dun...yes Vikram's alive. Well... at least Vikram, was alive when the episode started. We'll get to that in a minute.

At the end of the first half of Twisted Season 1, Lacey was firmly in Danny's camp. She heard the story about Regina getting into a fight with someone whose car description matched Marilyn's.

Jo, on the other hand, was still burned about confessing her feelings to Danny and finding out he was into Lacey. She was so anti-Danny that she called out for Tess at the beginning of the episode when she discovered Danny in her room.

He ran Lacey. Innocent people don't run.


By the way, why did Danny choose to run to Jo's over Lacey's? He said he and Lacey were in a weird place, but him being accused of murder kind of trumps everything else. Lacey also isn't the daughter of the local Chief of Police.

I think he ran to Jo because he wanted her to believe him. This was his way of putting showing Jo he trusted her and hoping she would return that feeling.

By the time Lacey and Danny were together at Rico's plotting his next move, Jo had figured it out. She wanted Danny to turn himself in and that's when Danny dropped the bomb that he never even killed his Aunt Tara  to begin with. It was his father. This was probably obvious to a lot of people, but it was still interesting to hear the story come directly from Danny.

So Vikram being alive - combined with the knowledge that he killed Tara and had Marilyn Rossi working for him - set us up for a lot of answers.

It's likely he killed Regina, especially if Marilyn was once seen threatening Regina and Regina walked around wearing Tara's necklace. What did Regina know to warrant her getting murdered? Is Vikram really the sociopath? It appeared so.

We really saw a lot of Danny's pain in this episode. For so many weeks he walked around pretty stoic, taking whatever heat was thrown his way. It's part of why people accused him of being a sociopath: he seemed too calm about it all. But now we know his feelings were really all just bottled up.

I was scared, I was numb, and I loved him, so much. I'd do anything for him, he was my father.


Now that we solved Tara's murder and likely Regina's, we're on to the next secret. Danny hit Vikram after he chased and threatened Jo and then Vikram fell off of a cliff. I'm pretty darn sure Vikram is dead this time!

Other interesting tidbits:

  • Jo was ballsy with Marilyn about setting up that meeting! Atta girl.
  • Jack seems interesting...and sexy.
  • Who is this new kid Charlie? Do you think he resembles Danny or is it just me?
  • Interesting comment from Charlie that Vikram looked like Gloria's husband in those photos.

So who do you think was the one behind Danny and Lacey at the end of the episode? Vote below and then sound off on the Twisted winter premiere in the comments!

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Twisted Season 1 Episode 12 Quotes

It's all very Bourne Identity isn't it? In a tragic, teenage sort of way.


He ran Lacey. Innocent people don't run.
