Legit Review: Killer Jokes

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When a comedian says he killed it on stage, he probably doesn’t mean his jokes actually killed someone. Unless you’re Jim Jefferies.

Legit Season 2 Episode 2 could have easily gone very dark with its focus on death, but instead chose to center on some happier moments, and of course, those ones that are inappropriately left field.

It only makes sense for an Australian comic whose life is at a plateau (or is it a dip) to crash and burn with his bad jokes that inadvertently take place while Billy’s friend is dying. Clearly, Jerry isn’t going to get over that.

And like the title of the series, Jim continues to at least put his toe in the water when it comes to actually being more than a self-centered asshole, even if it doesn’t quite work out in that rainbows and sunshine kind of way.

It’s also amusing to see Jim visit a therapist who has to tell him to be nice, as if that answer couldn’t possibly have been in front of him the whole time.

Additionally, there’s something funny about the way Jim can’t help but blurt out things that come to his mind, as if we should all hear it. It’s never meant to be mean but rather just a stream of consciousness Jim has to let out. You know, like a conversation about masturbation on a plane or the principle of cutting in line at a funeral.

Plus, the concept of hooking up at a funeral (I can’t help but think of Owen Wilson following in Will Ferrell's footsteps in Wedding Crashers) is humorous. Not to mention, Steve’s explanation that disabled funerals are the best because the chicks are “sad, but there not too sad because they saw it coming. They’re emotional, but they’re not so emotional that a couple of wine coolers and a little loving wouldn’t cheer them up.”

But his follow up that he’s never actually been laid at a disabled funeral makes it even funnier.

The show really knows how to straddle the line of something that could just be completely off putting, but with the characters and ultimately the heart of those characters, it manages to find that sweet spot.

And I wouldn’t say this was a gut-busting episode, although moments like Steve wishing he could have gone somewhere as a kid without ramps or his father (John Ratzenberger) providing a diagram that shows the rise and fall of blow jobs, money, and time find those comedic moments without being too over the top.

But a scene like Billy crying (and kudos to DJ Qualls for making me feel that sadness at losing a friend), Jim talking to Steve about being there to help his brother or the two going in the ocean to let the ashes go provided those human moments as well. Sure, the ashes turned out to be a prank, but that good-natured sensibility was all there.

Really, it’s a pleasure to watch the actors really settle into the characters with such a comfort that scenes of simply sitting around feel natural. It makes you feel at home with them rather than watching people reading their lines.

Of course, Legit wouldn’t be the show it is without throwing a last minute curveball.

Jim may have found the woman of his dreams, the one, and that kiss on the pier seemed like the happy ending to the story and the day. But nope, turns out she’s a racist. Wonder how Jim’s going to deal with that one…

A nice follow-up episode to Legit Season 2 Episode 1 that’s definitely continuing along a path that makes these characters funny because of the situations and things the say rather than caricatures meant to just be comical.

With the chemistry the cast adds providing some real moments amongst the insanity, it’s easy say that Legit Season 2 is looking to be a winner.

Who will end the relationship first?

Death Review

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Sean McKenna was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. He retired in May of 2017. Follow him on Twitter.

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