Game of Thrones Review: Justice Trumps Mercy

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We caught back up with Dany and company to start this week off on Game of Thrones.

Thanks to Grey Worm, Meereen fell from the inside out. When it came to deciding the fate of its slave owner inhabitants, Dany took a page out of John Kreese's handbook and showed them no mercy.

Dany crucifying the 163 slave owners as retribution for what they did to as many slave children was the right move.

Dany's reputation is still growing throughout the seven kingdoms. We know her to be a kind leader of her people, but she was smart to send a message like she did on Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 4. It marked a pivotal point in her march to the throne, the significance of which was emphasized by the shot of her flag flying from the city heights.

As Tyrion got a visit from Jaime, he went for broke and asked his brother to bust him out of prison. Jaime refused, still clinging to some sense of duty to the throne. He doesn't want the book to close on his legacy yet.

By sending Brienne to uphold his oath, he showed he possesses the character to be remembered for something other than slaying the Mad King, though. His farewell to Brienne was both touching and humorous, but still lingering was the stain from his controversial rape scene with Cersei.

I want to believe the good in his twisted heart can someday straighten him out, but for the moment any good will he shows comes with an asterisk if you ask me.

Tyrion: So, should I turn around and close my eyes?
Jaime: Depends, did you do it?
Tyrion: The King Slayer Brothers, you like it? I like it. You really asking if I killed your son?
Jaime: You really asking if I'd kill my brother?

Another man of many faces is Little Finger, who revealed his involvement in Joffrey's murder to Sansa this week. He also gave her a lesson that Sun Tzu would have appreciated:

A man with no motive is a man no one suspects. Always keep your foes confused.


Back on land, Olenna also came clean and let Margaery in on her secret. We continued to see just how complex and powerful a player Olenna is. Despite being engaged to a Targaryen, which was all the rage back then, she seduced her sister's husband-to-be. Margaery may prove to be even better at the game than her grandmother, though.

I liked how she didn't just throw herself at Tommen. Her brand of seduction looked like it will be rather effective with the young future king, who has a much softer heart than his brother. A sign of which was the appearance of Sir Pounce, who may or may not be the same cat who plays Lord Tubbington on Glee.

Back at the wall, Jon Snow had himself a little Jerry Maguire moment as he looked for volunteers to go with him to Craster's Keep. No sign of Dorothy Boyd, but a good number of men stood up for him. Among those was Locke, whose skill with a sword will be valuable - but he only joined the fight to find Jon's lost brothers.

There is a new master at Craster's Keep, yet things are just as despicable inside its walls, as we saw Karl drinking from the skull of his former Lord Commander. His new prized prisoners will make things even more interesting when Jon Snow and his men arrive on the scene.

Jon will be excited to see Ghost as I was. Was it me or was that best we've seen Ghost and Summer look on the show?

Ghost's glowing eyes made me wonder if perhaps the series is using some new CGI. Either way, I 'm glad to see the remaining direwolves return to the fold. Here's to hoping Bran wargs back into Summer at some point and does work on Rast and the others who were torturing Hodor. Either that or have Hodor hulk out and do it himself.

As the episode came to a close, another major question was answered, as we saw just what the white walkers have been doing with Craster's babies. I knew they could bolster their numbers by turning the dead into wights, but it had remained a question as to how actual white walkers were created.

This was a big revelation about one of the least known aspects of the show.

Dany continues to look impressive and the favorite to come out of the East, but the North is the most stacked conference in Westeros. Those updating their Game of Thrones brackets certainly were forced to rethink their picks after this week.

Who are you currently giving the best odds to come out on top?

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Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 4 Quotes

Tyrion: So, should I turn around and close my eyes?
Jaime: Depends, did you do it?
Tyrion: The King Slayer Brothers, you like it? I like it. You really asking if I killed your son?
Jaime: You really asking if I'd kill my brother?

Sansa's not a killer. Not yet anyway.
