Perception Review: Code Breaker

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Technology, phones, computers, Twitter. They do seem like such commonplace things in today’s world, that the real silence that Daniel lectures about does seem truly foreign or even imaginary.

How often do most people use some sort of screen? When’s the last time you checked your phone? Probably not that long ago.

So to find out that there’s a place called the Quiet Zone, once again for this show, a real thing, was fascinating.

A place where frequencies are restricted, where technology seems like something from a distant future. I’d never heard of it before, but an interesting location for sure.

It, of course, coincided perfectly with the Perception Season 3 Episode 9 case of the week. You know the drill, some twists of whodunnit, before revealing the actual suspect.

And I love a good code cracking, so I was especially curious to see where the number clues would lead.

It wasn’t surprising that Daniel cracked it and his theory was right. The suspect, Alex White, was hearing voices and just trying to get away from the ELF that he believed was being transmitted into his brain.

I think there is something that can certainly be frightening for people who take the black and white approach that a “crazy” person with a gun is simply a crazy person with a gun.

But I love that through Daniel’s empathy and his own connection to brain disorders, hearing voices, certainly for this episode’s case, that a more human side was revealed for Alex.

It certainly made that scene where he was talking to Alex outside about numbers and that there was no conspiracy theory have far more of an impact when Alex was shot. Alex wasn’t some criminal. He was just a person who needed help.

And wow for the super lucky save when he was shot. Maybe a bit too lucky, but this isn’t some gritty drama. It’s Perception.

Though, I still have no clue why only Daniel and Kate were sent to hunt down the supposed FBI killer. Wouldn’t they have sent at least a partner agent to go with her?

As it is, her and Donnie’s relationship drama is going to come to a head, maybe a cliffhanger, in next week’s hour.

There was plenty of tension between the two, more so on Kate’s side. After all, she’s having affair issues pop into her head, and she was super against kids and the white picket fence. And adding Donnie’s new career shift and the hot campaign advisor are just more weighted layers that will topple them. Most likely.

The longing touch and look in the final shot certainly alluded to something, right?

Guess we’ll see where Perception Season 3 will leave us in its summer finale, which also is directed by LeVar Burton, who did a great job with tonight’s hour. I wonder if he had fun directing himself in his short scene with Daniel at the house?

Who do you want to see more of on Perception?

Silence Review

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Sean McKenna was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. He retired in May of 2017. Follow him on Twitter.

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Perception Season 3 Episode 9 Quotes

You're a neuroscientist. Not a cop.


You can trust me, Alex.
