Royal Pains Review: Heartburn

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It's Royal Pains Season 6 Episode 9 and finally HankLab is officially open for business. It didn't open a moment too soon!

Hank and Divya treated a scent connoisseur named Sam, while Divya treated a nail artist named Laura with heart problems.

In the meantime, Emma had some heart problems of her own when CInco stopped responding to her texts; and Jeremiah's relationship ended after Divya poked her nose where it didn't belong.

And even with the opening of HankLab, SnarkHampton managed to send Evan into a tizzy when a post appeared that referred to him as old.

We'll start with the one thing that seemed to be going right this episode: Hank and Charlotte. She has successfully completed her first surgery and will apparently be taking some time to head back to California to deal with some business. I

am liking the idea of Hank having a solid relationship with a good woman and I definitely am getting to like Charlotte a little more each week.

I have to say, it was truly those last few seconds that had me saying "OMG" out loud. Then again, the way Jeremiah approached the situation, it was hard for one not to suspect that Jeremiah might ask her to move out in his moment of anguish. It was also equally likely that he was about to receal she had already been deported - that would have been particularly awful.

Vivianna had a much more important place in Jeremiah's heart than I expected this soon. Of course he totally deserves it!

After all, he had a hardcore crush on Divya from the moment he arrived in the Hampons, but was repeatedly rebuffed. Even so, he still allowed her to move in with him throughout the course of her pregnancy and Sashi's first year of life. That's some pretty big stuff from someone who used have a major crush on you!

But it makes me wonder if Divya isn't expecting to retain that spot of leading lady in Jeremiah's life. I don't think DIvya is doing this consciously, I actually think she doesn't realize. She always wants to know what's going on in his inner life.

Speaking of inner life, Evan's inner life got a serious wake up call when SnarkHampton snapped an unflattering photo of him and Paige at the new seafood place. I have never heard of #BOF before, but can I just say that as an avid Tweet-er, hashtagging "Boring Old Farts" has never been - and hopefully never will be - a thing? Good thing this crisis was short lived.

As was Emma's potentialy spat with Cinco. He really does seem to be sweet on Emma and we've all managed to leave behind our chargers while on a yacht trip every now and then, right? No harm, no foul, and everything is back to normal. For now.

When might it not get back to normal? When a still nameless, faceless bully is targeting your family on SnarkHampton like Oz. Really starting to think they gave this mysterious person this name for a reason. What do you think Hamptonites?

Hold that thought and tell me whether or not you think this Oz will do some serious damage to HankMed's image?

Oh,M.G Review

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C. Charles is a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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