Mulaney Season 1 Episode 6 Review: Patriot Acts

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On Mulaney Season 1 Episode 6, the whole gang becomes highly concerned about their patriotism. 

As Jane begins dating a marine named Chad, Mulaney and Motif feel unpatriotic and decide that they need to do something to change that. 

Mulaney frequently makes fun of his Beta male status, or something below it. It was hilarious seeing him pitted against a heroic, alpha male who made him self-conscious about his patriotism. 

All of the characters stories were well integrated into this lack-of-patriotism fearing theme. It was absurd, but it was funny. Naturally, Mulaney and Motif decided, with their skills as comedians they would be great at performing USO shows. Mulaney suffers the rejection of not getting selected, while Motif's kills it with jokes about race. 

I only regret that I have but one seat to give for my country.


Mulaney's plan B is to dog-sit Chad's three-legged, hero of a dog named Franklin. Unfortunately, Motif looses Franklin when he takes him out to get laid at a dog park. You can't say he wasn't helping the dog out! 

Jane is the most concerned that the loss of Franklin will throw a wrench in her relationship. Their relationship was as strong as Chad's civilian clothes, and she decided she was over it.  

At least she didn't have to get around to calling her mother to find out just how Muslim her family was. I think all of this was natural for Nasim Pedrad. It was, after all, a nod to the actress' background.  

Jane: I never enlisted, but I don't feel guilty about it.
Mulaney: Yeah, but its different for you.
Jane: Why because I am a girl?
Mulaney: No, because you are an immigrant.
Jane: You know what John, If anything I am more patriotic than you. I made a decision to come here.
Mulaney: Yeah, when you were two.

The flashbacks with Lou were both true to his character and contributed to the patriotism story line. Being a long standing comedian, of course Lou has tried his hand at a USO show.

When Lou and Mulaney where jetting off to Kabul it felt like these two characters have grown into each other. They are my favorite relationship between characters on the show. The patriotism theme, or lack of it for Mulaney, was also true to his persona as a comedian. 

What did you think of this episode? Did you like to see Mulaney poke fun at himself through patriotism? 

Find out how Mulaney proves that he can be patriotic too when you watch Mulaney online via TV Fanatic! 

Patriot Acts Review

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Mulaney Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

I only regret that I have but one seat to give for my country.


When it comes to the military, I am a special type of coward. I know something needs to be done, I just really hope that someone else does it first.
