Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 2 Episode 9 Review: ...Ye Who Enter Here

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Though someone on the show finally mentioned the Kree, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 2 Episode 9 was basically setup for the Midseason Finale.

Sure, there were a few important questions answered and a cool action sequence but it felt like a Season 1 episode. Remember those that stalled a bit last year?

By the way, love Patton Oswalt but the Koenig/lanyard shtick has grown ridiculously stale.

Kicking things off with Skye's bizarre dream was strange wasn't it? What's with the music box? What did I miss? It was great though when Skye walked in on Tripp and Simmons talking about her Dad. She's knows he's a nutbar, why walk on eggshells around her? Have I mentioned how much I like Skye 2.0?

Tons of forced exposition in that mission brief at the top of the episode. Do the producers seriously think new viewers are jumping aboard this late in the game? I get annoyed at moments like these because they feel like the creative team doesn't credit fans with much of an attention span. We know, HYDRA's got the Obelisk let's get to the damn temple already!

Once the installment moved to Puerto Rico, things became slightly more interesting.

Tripp: Isn't that in the Bermuda Triangle? 'Cause that would explain a lot.
Coulson: Actually, it doesn't have anything to do with the triangle. We solved that back in the 80's.
Tripp: Ah Atlantis?
Coulson: Try Puerto Rico.
Skye: These white markers represent vertical airshafts that are close to the surface. Possible entry points for the city but most of them are under the ocean floor.
Coulson: Except for one, here, in Old San Juan where we'll enter the underground city. A survey team will test the tunnels structural integrity then locate the temple.
Simmons: And then what sir?
Coulson: We blow the hell out of it.

Though I liked that quick mention of Atlantis, if "the city" turns out to be anything but Attilan I'll be bummed out. This storyline has to introduce the Inhumans... C'mon guys make it happen.

Yup the Koenig L.M.D. has overstayed his welcome. I don't care how many there are, I just want them all gone. Coulson shutting the screen off on him was perfect! I will admit though that the umbrella cloaking gadget was pretty neat. The fact Agent 33's May-mask shorted out and got stuck was great too, creepy looking.

Simmons finally discussed the underwater nightmare with someone. She's never felt anything but friendship toward Fitz, which is a bummer. I don't like them acting awkward toward each other and hope they manage to fix things between them.

Simmons: We were in the bottom of the ocean in a storage pod, left for dead and Fitz, he said something that caught me completely off guard.
Bobbie: Ah those three little words.
Simmons: Yes, well no. I mean, not exactly. I barely had a moment to process what he was saying or how I felt about it. Next thing I know he's giving me the oxygen, water's rushing in and he's laying there in the hospital bed so pale.
Bobbie: How long was Fitz in the coma?
Simmons: Nine of the longest days of my life. When it finally broke, he couldn't speak. He just stared at me confused. All I wanted to do was help him. All I wanted was my best friend back.

Skye hugging Coulson was a nice moment. It let some of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 1 Skye shine through.

Skye and freaky-fried-May-face's fight was well choreographed. I just felt like we've seen it before. We haven't with Skye, but it might as well have been May vs. May again. Skye fought a little too well for a rookie, but I'll let it slide since May's a great S.O.

I loved that the series visited Puerto Rico this week. Seeing Old San Juan brought back a ton of memories. I need to get back there real soon. Yup the tostones are amazing, as is the mofongo. Damn, now my mouth is watering Ha! By the way, Coulson in jeans FTW!

The legend of "La Garita del Diablo" was interesting and partially true (google it). The tunnel stuff had a very Indiana Jones vibe to it which was fantastic. However, I hated that Mack was killed off. Had a bad feeling it was coming since I liked him so much Ugh!

Raina and Skye's conversation was probably the most important of the entire installment.

Raina: Before I met your father I was a lost soul with no clue where I belonged.
Skye: The daughter he never had.
Raina: No, no one could ever replace you Skye. You're all he wants. Be honest Skye, haven't you ever felt lost? Or had that feeling that you were part of something bigger. Like you were special?
Skye: When you say special, what you really mean is alien?
Raina: Is that what you believe? We're human Skye, we just have the potential to be more. But the Diviner, now that is most definitely alien.
Skye: Where do you get this stuff? My father?
Raina: Partly, but my grandmother came from a long line of special people who believed in a story about the blue angels that fell from the Heavens. The ancients called them The Kree.

While this wasn't one of my favorite installments of the season, hearing Raina mention the Kree made the hour worthwhile. Now that's got to mean "the city" is Attilan right? The writers better confirm it next week.

Whitehall's planes appeared and Ward takes Raina and Skye with him. I'm still not sure what his angle is which makes him infinitely more interesting but I'm getting impatient for some real answers. The fact Ward let the bus go is a sign he's not loyal to HYDRA. Does this mean HYDRA will unlock the secrets of the temple in the Midseason Finale?  

What did you think of "...Ye Who Enter Here?" Is the city Attilan? Any clue what "the other thing" Mack and Bobbie discussed is? Is Mack really dead? Your turn fellow S.H.I.E.L.D. fans, hit the comments below and share your thoughts. Keep an eye out for our Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. round table in a couple of days.

Next week's the Midseason finale, watch Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. online via TV Fanatic to make sure you're caught up!

...Ye Who Enter Here Review

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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes

Tripp: Isn't that in the Bermuda Triangle? 'Cause that would explain a lot.
Coulson: Actually, it doesn't have anything to do with the triangle. We solved that back in the 80's.
Tripp: Ah Atlantis?
Coulson: Try Puerto Rico.
Skye: These white markers represent vertical airshafts that are close to the surface. Possible entry points for the city but most of them are under the ocean floor.
Coulson: Except for one, here, in Old San Juan where we'll enter the underground city. A survey team will test the tunnels structural integrity then locate the temple.
Simmons: And then what sir?
Coulson: We blow the hell out of it.

Simmons: We were in the bottom of the ocean in a storage pod, left for dead and Fitz, he said something that caught me completely off guard.
Bobbie: Ah those three little words.
Simmons: Yes, well no. I mean, not exactly. I barely had a moment to process what he was saying or how I felt about it. Next thing I know he's giving me the oxygen, water's rushing in and he's laying there in the hospital bed so pale.
Bobbie: How long was Fitz in the coma?
Simmons: Nine of the longest days of my life. When it finally broke, he couldn't speak. He just stared at me confused. All I wanted to do was help him. All I wanted was my best friend back.