12 Monkeys Season 1 Episode 6 Review: The Red Forest

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Did you think Cole would correct time so quickly? Man, these writers aren't messing around are they? 12 Monkeys Season 1 Episode 6 picked up right where we left off and Cole set things right.

I love the way the writers are resolving certain mysteries while introducing brand new ones. This week, they gave us Operation TROY, Wexler and the "Striking Woman" who appears to be the Pallid Man's superior.

I'm absolutely loving 12 Monkeys and I'm hoping more sci-fi fans jump aboard before it's too late. Yeah, the ratings are not good.

I've mentioned this a gazillion times, but serialized storytelling is the frakkin' best! Sure, waiting a week can be rough, yet it gives fans time to speculate and build anticipation for the next episode. Watching last week's events from a different perspective is part of what makes 12 Monkeys so appealing to me. The wait was totally worth it.

So, "The Red Forest" intro reminded us that Cassie was taken captive by the Pallid Man, and Cole vanished right before Jennifer's eyes. As if she needs any help in the cray cray department.

Wasn't it cool the way Cole was flashing between timelines? Can you imagine having memories from two different realities? Although I've heard that's what the phenomenon of déjà vu is all about; maybe it's past lives. Anyway, poor Jones was just a repair hag in this alt-2043.

Jones: Where do you come from?
Cole: From your machine over there.
Jones: I remember all the faces of the men that went in there. Yours is not one of them. They never came back.

Luckily Cole's blood was all the proof alt-Jones needed to believe his story. How amazing was Barbara Sukowa this week? Her performance had very few traces of the confident Jones we've come to know. I was experiencing Fringe flashbacks of all the doppelgängers, particularly Walternate. Have I mentioned yet how much I love this show?

Alt-Jones mentioned a couple of things that seemed important right away; Chechnya and operation TROY. Is this where the first outbreak takes place in the original timeline? The minute Cole mentioned Cassie and Jones seemed confused it was clear that's what changed. I've always felt Cole needed to be more careful with Cassie; after all, if something happened to her his mission goes bust. Well, that's what we witnessed tonight.

Weren't you expecting to see Deacon again? Apparently so was Cole because he said, "Yeah I know this guy, guess he's an asshole in any reality." That was a trip, as was Kirk Acevedo wearing an eye patch. More Fringe flashbacks for me, especially since there were several alt-Charlie Francis' on that show as well.  

Ramse: Who the hell is this?
Cole: Hey it's me, it's Cole.
Ramse: I buried Cole. I covered the grave myself.
Cole: Wait a minute, I just came out of that machine.
Ramse: Nothing comes from there.
Cole: Alright, you and I, we left the West VII. Jones and her crew took us in.
Ramse: No.
Cole: Hey, only girl you've ever loved is Elena. Your mother's name is Roberta. You told me once she's pretty and that whenever I make jokes about banging her you laugh but I know secretly it pisses you off.
Ramse: Cole?
Cole: It's good to see you too.

Ramse agreed to use the machine to send Cole back. Of course, someone had to lose it and that was Whitley. We learned that Whitley left home and followed Jones. I wonder if we'll see any of that in a flashback soon.

Alt-Jones warned Cole that, "Sacrifice is the only way." That was creepy enough, but hearing the other Jones knew that too was a bad sign. Of course, later on we learned Cole was dying from his jumps. Talk about complicating things.

Back in 2015, we're introduced to Adam Wexler; an Edward Snowden type played by Orphan Black's Ari Millen. He's our Chechnya and operation TROY connection. Is Wexler responsible for releasing the virus? Either way, it was so great to see Cole and Aaron working together. I theorized early on that Aaron was a bad guy or connected to the 12 Monkeys; guess not. I started to like the guy this week!

Cole: Look I don't have a lot of time to explain this to you. They're going to put a bullet in Cassie's head.
Aaron: Who's they?
Cole: The Army of the 12 Monkeys. They're the ones that start the plague.
Aaron: Just tell me where she is.
Cole: Right now she's in a place called the Night Room; it's a Markridge facility. They're trying to get into the vault right now. Her and I are tied up in a room up...
Aaron: You crazy piece of shit. You are sitting right here.
Cole: The other me. Not this me, the other me. That's why I need you okay. I can't cross with myself. Believe me you don't want to be around for a paradox okay. Look you help me, you help her.

The shootout scene at the Night Room was fantastic! Again, watching last week's events from this new perspective was too cool. It's interesting that when Aaron accidently shot Cole, it slightly changed his alt-2043 visit with Jones sewing him up. Unfortunately, everything played out the same way and Cassie was kidnapped.

Here's where things got a little trippy. It turns out the Pallid Man is not the big boss after all, as I expected. We met the "Striking Woman" (IMDB's name for her) who is his superior and learned the witness thinks Cassie is too important and wants to meet her. The Witness has to be a time traveler. Is he/she someone from Cole's team monitoring time? A mole back in 2043?

I can't say I understood any of the hallucinogenic imagery, but we've seen a red forest in Cole's visions before. The house and the man were new though. Now we know the creep in the plague gas mask is the Witness. By the way, what are those flashes with the glass of milk breaking about? Cole's had them in both realities. What's it all mean? Share your theories with me in the comments below.

Ultimately, Cole and Aaron located and saved Cassie. He handed her the photo of the plate with a monkey on it. I'm assuming that will come into play next week. Hey, at least 2043's back to normal right? I loved the way Aaron Stanford laughed, realizing he'd fixed time. He wasn't laughing when he learned at the end that the jumps are killing him. What?!?

What did you think of "The Red Forest"? Has Cassie been programmed? Who's the mysterious Witness and is he a time traveler? Did you think Cole would fix time this week? Your turn guys, please share your thoughts in the comments below.

Remember, you can watch 12 Monkeys online via TV Fanatic at any time. There were important moments this week, you might want to re-watch this one.

NOTE: 12 Monkeys Season 1 Episode 7 is titled "The Keys" and airs on Friday, February 27.

The Red Forest Review

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12 Monkeys Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Ramse: Who the hell is this?
Cole: Hey it's me, it's Cole.
Ramse: I buried Cole. I covered the grave myself.
Cole: Wait a minute, I just came out of that machine.
Ramse: Nothing comes from there.
Cole: Alright, you and I, we left the West VII. Jones and her crew took us in.
Ramse: No.
Cole: Hey, only girl you've ever loved is Elena. Your mother's name is Roberta. You told me once she's pretty and that whenever I make jokes about banging her you laugh but I know secretly it pisses you off.
Ramse: Cole?
Cole: It's good to see you too.

Jones: Where do you come from?
Cole: From your machine over there.
Jones: I remember all the faces of the men that went in there. Yours is not one of them. They never came back.