Black Sails Season 2 Episode 7 Review: XV

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That John Silver is something else. Things seemed to be going so swimmingly between he and Flint, that I never thought he’d betray the captain in such a way.

Though Black Sails Season 2 Episode 7 was a quieter episode, some major moves were made that positioned our characters leading into the big season finale.

Will Silver get away with the gold? Will Lord Ashe go along with Flint’s plan for Nassau? Or will Dufresne and Hornigold offer Flint up to the British Navy?

The Outside World - Black Sails

It was nice to hear Abigail Ashe confide in Eleanor, while understanding the possibility she might be delivered from one ruthless pirate into the hands of another.

Though she remembered Lady Hamilton, she flinched at the name Flint. That’s not good considering all the pirate’s plans depend on an alliance with Lord Ashe in order to legitimize Nassau. I think Flint’s got some rough times ahead, things are not going to play out the way he expects.

As the two women made their escape through the tunnels, I had a feeling Captain Vane was going to make an appearance. What I didn’t expect was how powerful the confrontation between he and Eleanor would be. She certainly has flip-flopped between the two pirates, but this betrayal means goodbye once and for all.

Vane: I saved your life. I killed him for you. Low and his crew, I killed them all to protect you.
Eleanor: You didn't do it for me.
Vane: You will turn on absolutely anyone; won't you? So what's the plan? Leave me to answer for this among the men? Assume they'll tear me to pieces for granting access to the woman who stole the girl out from under us; my death sentence. Listen to me clearly. Put down that key, walk back through that gate, return the girl and I will sort this with the men. You have my word. But lock that gate and there is no walking back through it; ever. And I assure you, you will hear from me again.

Billy certainly has changed after being tortured and held captive by the British Navy. Not only did he set up Dufresne and his potential traitors nicely, but he gave Flint a piece of his mind as well. The guy’s grown a pair, and though he’s not sure if Flint loosened his grip allowing him to fall overboard; it doesn’t matter. He’s much more grown up now, and ultimately that’s going to benefit Captain Flint. They seem more like equals.

I’m glad the Hornigold issue was resolved quickly, there are too many storylines going and quite honestly I wasn’t interested in a Flint vs. Hornigold faceoff.

Once the crew overheard Silver say the Urca gold was gone, all bets were off.

Silver: There's no we, we stopped being a thing of any relevance about an hour ago.
Flint: Is that so?
Silver: I believe I've been clear about the nature of my investment here. The gold was the inducement, now no gold...
Flint: It's an unfortunate development, but we have to adapt and quickly.
Silver: Adapt? I've had about my fill of adapting lately. Doing your bidding, keeping the crew in line for you.
Flint: I wasn't the only one to benefit from that.
Silver: It certainly seemed that way. Even now you're the only one benefiting from it.
Flint: What are you saying? That I'm benefiting from the gold having disappeared?
Silver: It certainly solved a number of problems for you; didn't it? I have a half mind to wonder if you didn't orchestrate this whole thing to your advantage.

Anne’s story about being an abused child bride and saved by Jack tells us a ton about their relationship. I always felt there was a puzzle piece missing. Why the dedication and loyalty to Jack? Well, now we understand much better. I’m wondering if Anne isn’t simply replacing Jack with Max. She seemed pleased to become Max’s eyes and ears in the pirate world.

Both Jack and Max have strong personalities, they’re born leaders. It seems Anne is destined to follow, but I hope she’s making the right choice here. Is Max on her side?

When Anne followed that “future” captain upstairs, I thought for sure he was a dead man. Luckily for him, the other girl interrupted to show him a good time.

I can only scavenge leads generated by Eleanor for so long. I have an appetite for something larger than that, and it requires expanding. Proper spies, perhaps off the island as well. For this I need a partner with knowledge of the sea and I need a partner I can trust.


Eleanor delivering Abigail to Flint and Miranda was an important and long overdue moment. Things seemed to be falling into place for Captain Flint. However, it was Silver’s betrayal in those final moments that caught me off guard. I’m not sure why exactly, the guy has always been out for himself. I guess I thought their partnership and friendship was real; sadly not so much.

True that Flint’s obsession with legitimizing Nassau is his top priority. Silver was smart to make a move for the Urca gold. You can’t blame the guy. The pair just made such good partners, I wish things had gone down differently for them. Still, the season's not over yet. Perhaps Flint catches on to Silver and manages to manipulate the situation in his favor as he always does.

There are so many things lining up against Captain Flint this season, I can’t imagine he’s going to come out of this the victor. Can't you just feel a massive cliffhanger building? It's a good thing the series has already been picked up for a third season.

Well, what did you think of this week's installment? Did the Silver twist surprise you? Will Eleanor’s choice come back to haunt her? Are Dufresne and Hornigold capable of taking Flint down? Your turn fellow Black Sails fanatics. Go ahead and hit the comments below to share your thoughts on tonight's game changing events.

As always, remember you can watch Black Sails online via TV Fanatic at any time. So much took place this week, a second viewing is probably a good idea.

NOTE: Black Sails Season 2 Episode 8 is titled "XVI” and airs on Saturday, March 14.

XV Review

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Black Sails Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Silver: There's no we, we stopped being a thing of any relevance about an hour ago.
Flint: Is that so?
Silver: I believe I've been clear about the nature of my investment here. The gold was the inducement, now no gold...
Flint: It's an unfortunate development, but we have to adapt and quickly.
Silver: Adapt? I've had about my fill of adapting lately. Doing your bidding, keeping the crew in line for you.
Flint: I wasn't the only one to benefit from that.
Silver: It certainly seemed that way. Even now you're the only one benefiting from it.
Flint: What are you saying? That I'm benefiting from the gold having disappeared?
Silver: It certainly solved a number of problems for you; didn't it? I have a half mind to wonder if you didn't orchestrate this whole thing to your advantage.

Vane: I saved your life. I killed him for you. Low and his crew, I killed them all to protect you.
Eleanor: You didn't do it for me.
Vane: You will turn on absolutely anyone; won't you? So what's the plan? Leave me to answer for this among the men? Assume they'll tear me to pieces for granting access to the woman who stole the girl out from under us; my death sentence. Listen to me clearly. Put down that key, walk back through that gate, return the girl and I will sort this with the men. You have my word. But lock that gate and there is no walking back through it; ever. And I assure you, you will hear from me again.