Game of Thrones Season 5: Best Death, MVP, Cheesy CGI and More!

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That's right, Game of Thrones Season 5 certainly had its ups and downs. Below we discuss the finer points in our TV Fanatic Report Card.

This year there was another royal wedding at King's Landing, we visited Dorne (barely), and Tyrion made his way to Meereen. Later, Cersei was imprisoned and took a walk of atonement. Jon fought the White Walker army, Arya trained to be an assassin and Sansa married that evil bastard. There were deaths and shocking moments to spare. Let's not forget dragons, yeah we got plenty of dragon action too!

Feel free to sound off in the comments and let us know if you agree or disagree with us. And relive a few season highlights courtesy of our animated GIFs.

1. Best Episode

The Game of Thrones Season 5 Finale was easily one of the best in the series' history. Not only did many story arcs reach their conclusion, but we were left with a few cliffhangers as well. After her walk of atonement, Cersei met the new and improved Mountain. No doubt the monster will wreak havoc on the sparrows next season. Daenerys couldn't get poor Drogon to move, and wandered off only to be captured by the Dothraki. Stannis got what he deserved... or did he? The camera cuts away several times, leaving us wondering if a character truly met their maker. Would Brienne ever spare him? Did Sansa and Theon survive that jump? And what about Jon Snow? Is there any chance he'll be back for Season 6? The slower epiosdes set the ground work that allowed this finale to really pay off.

2. Slowest Burn

It's tough to pick a "worst" episode because each installment this year advanced the story nicely. The first half of the season was basically setting up those last three incredibly solid episodes. That said, we're going to go with Arya's Season 5 storyline as the "slowest burn" (mostly because we hate to call Thrones boring).

Arya's journey was interesting, but Jaqen H'ghar's cryptic dialog and the events inside the House of Black and White were hard to follow. Of course, we later learned the Faceless Men washed the dead bodies to acquire their face for the Hall of Faces. Sure, it all worked just fine, but watching Arya kill Ser Meryn Trant proving she was not "No One" was the moment we had been waiting for.

3. Season 5 MVP

We all love to hate Cersei Lannister, but we wouldn't wish the hell she went through this season on our worst enemy. At first, it was humbling to see her in that grimy cell lapping up water from the floor. Cersei has made so many people miserable through the years – including Queen Margaery this season – but the High Sparrow nearly broke her with the walk of atonement.

Once she suffered that humiliation and reached The Red Keep, she had survived. Chances are there will be no trial for her in Season 6, the Frankenmountain will see to that you'll see. Lena Headey's performance was brilliant. We felt for Cersei, regardless of whether or not we like the character.

4. Most Disappointing Character(s)

There was such excitement surrounding Oberyn Martell's eight illegitimate daughters and their vengeance this season. However, the Sand Snakes were not only poorly fleshed out but felt like something out of Xena: Warrior Princess. How much time did we spend in Dorne this season, half an hour?

Aside from the scene above, the Sand Snakes were never a true threat. The actual ring leader was always Ellaria Sand, who with one kiss in the finale rendered the existence of the Sand Snakes pointless. If we do see these "warriors" again, hopefully we'll be given a chance to spend time with them. Show us why they're a threat rather than trying to convince us via silly monologues.

5. Epic Character Meeting

Tyrion and Daenerys' face-to-face was one we've all been awaiting for years. When it finally happened, most fans agreed their discussion was well worth it. From Tyrion introducing himself as "the Gift," to bonding with Dany as "two terrible children of two terrible fathers," their time together was priceless.

While he was definitely impressed with Daenerys early on, the moment she rode Drogon was the true game changer. Tyrion realized then he must help her reclaim the Iron Throne. These two make a formidable team. Once they are reunited next season, the journey to Westeros begins. We can't wait!

6. Best Battle

Jon Snow (as well as fans of the books) had no idea what was coming when they arrived at Hardhome. The massacre that followed ranks right up there with some of Thrones best battle sequences, including Blackwater and The Wall. Did you know HBO increased the budget specifically for this battle sequence? Interesting that Dany's flight aboard Drogon looked slightly cheesy, yet the battle of Hardhome was flawless.

Plus, we won't soon forget the Night's King raising his arms and bringing the dead back to life. Will the mysterious leader of the White Walkers save Jon, and make him a lieutenant in his army of the dead? It's a stretch, but we really want Jon Snow to return, even as a walker.

7. Most Questionable CGI

Now, don't get me wrong; while on the ground Drogon looked amazing. However, there was that brief moment when Dany rode him that we were transported back to 1984's The NeverEnding Story. While we might not know exactly where the VFX team went wrong, we've seen enough green-screen work to recognize the bad from the good. The flight sequence just looks ridiculously fake; from the awkward angled backdrop, to the fact Dany's hair never moves. Okay, so her clothes hit some air, but c'mon on. Anyway, we don't mean to nitpick but a moment that should have seriously blown our minds made us laugh out loud instead.

8. Most Controversial Scene

Sansa has been put through the wringer on this series, so it's no surprise her rape was the last straw for many fans. That said, Ramsay Bolton had been established as a sadist monster. He flayed people for sport and sent Theon's manhood home to his family in a box. Sure, it would have been nice for Sansa to take action, but she wasn't aware of his true nature at that point.

George R. R. Martin has said over and over, this is war and countless atrocities take place during war. Sansa demonstrated her strength in the season finale, inspiring Theon/Reek to take action. Will the snowbank break their fall? Or will Theon himself break Sansa's fall and die in the process?

9. Most Gut-wrenching Moment

Thrones is a war epic, therefore it's cruel by its very nature. However, Stannis burning his daughter at the stake is unfathomable. How can a father do such a thing in an attempt to become the ruler of a kingdom? The man is less than human, and deserved to lose half his forces before the big siege. Could anyone in their right mind follow such a man? Listening to Shireen scream for her life while her parents looked on was heartbreaking. I doubt many fans felt a thing when they learned Selyse hanged herself. Will Ser Davos ever learn the truth about Shireen's death?

10. Most Satisfying End

Many Thrones characters meet unexpected ends, but Stannis got exactly what he deserved. He faced death bravely, though it appeared part of him died along with his daughter in that fire. It was almost as if Brienne put him out of his misery. The fiend should have suffered more for all the harm he had caused. Two birds were killed with one stone, though. They killed Stannis and did right by Brienne. Brienne of Tarth sharing her memory of Renly with Pod was one of this season's most touching moments. It was nice that Brienne was ultimately able to fulfill her vow to Renly Baratheon.

11. Best Finale Death

Never have so many main characters perished in the same hour on GoT. However, Jon Snow's shocking demise at the hands of his Night's Watch brothers (and Olly) was the standout death of the season. Many fans argue that Jon will return. After all, Melisandre was briefly shown returning to Castle Black. Another theory is that the Night's King discovers Jon's corpse and resurrects him. Will it be Fire against Ice for the Iron Throne? All we know for sure is that Jon's story seems far from over. Though Kit Harington has said he's not returning, we'll believe that when we see it.

12. Hopes for Game of Thrones Season 6

Our hope is that the action in Season 6 is distributed much more evenly. Let's be honest, this season was basically set up for the big battle at Hardhome. While there have always been peaks and valleys in the storytelling, never has Thrones dragged like this year. With only two or three seasons left in the show's run, we expect the narrative to start setting up the endgame. The series had some huge moments this season which will be hard to top, but we have faith in the showrunners. As we head into Season 6, it's exciting to know that all Game of Thrones fans will be shocked together. No one can spoil upcoming events because the material from the books is nearly exhausted. It's going to be a long wait, but as always, it will be well worth it.

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Tis a big and beautiful world. Most of us live and die in the same corner where we were born and never get to see any of it. I don't want to be most of us.


I’m going to kill the queen.
