Rosewood Season 1 Episode 1 Review: Pilot

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There's a new doctor in town, and he goes by the name of Beaumont Rosewood, Jr.

On Rosewood Season 1 Episode 1, we get to see what life is like for Private Pathologist, Dr. Beaumont Rosewood, Jr., as he races against the clock to solve crimes while assisting the Miami P.D. with clues they've completely overlooked.

I'm the Beethoven of private pathology.


Dr. Rosewood seems to be extremely confident in his field of work. He feels as though he's the best pathologist Miami has to offer. Rosewood attempts to use his charm and charisma to persuade Detective Villa to allow him to be her unofficial partner.

Detective Villa isn't amused by Rosewood and forces him to earn a spot on her team the professional way.

We're not partners, let's get that straight.

Det. Villa

Detective Annalise Villa showed she's able to handle difficult situations on her own. One of her most memorable scenes was when she forced a suspect to pray with her, while threatening him at the same time. 

There has to be more to the story as to why Detective Villa returned home to Miami. I understand that she lost her husband, but she's not telling Dr. Rosewood the full story. Hopefully that will be explored more later.

I'm the yin, you're the yang.


Rosewood and Villa have amazing chemistry and make a wonderful team. Once the duo decided to put their egos aside and work together, they were unstoppable. Hopefully their relationship will remain strictly professional and won't become a new budding romance. After all, it's kind of cliché to have to leading roles become love interests at this point, right?

Those amazing moments that were stolen, that's what drives me.


Rosewood doesn't let his heart defect get the best of him. I'm glad that he uses his own health problems as an inspiration to solve murder mysteries of people that never gotten the opportunity to fully live their lives. This makes him likable and you forget the fact that Rosewood has a bit of an ego problem.

It's also nice to see that Dr. Rosewood has his little sister, Pippy and her fiancée Tara working at his exquisite laboratory. It takes even a bit more of the edge off of that ego situation we've already noted.

Morris Chestnut is a phenomenal actor, and it's great to see him in action on TV. He is always capable of pulling off any role he's handed, and I think he has more to offer than being eye candy. Hopefully the series will focus on Dr. Rosewood's talents as a pathologist rather than his looks.

My fear for Rosewood is that it will get lost in the shuffle and people will quickly lose interest. The storyline is predictable and seems like a recycled version of other medical dramas. I need Rosewood to increase the drama and rely less on Detective Villa and Dr. Rosewood's potential relationship.

As a fan of crime and mystery shows, it'll be interesting to see how Rosewood will stand out from everything else that's already on air as the series moves forward in Rosewood Season 1. With a diverse cast and seasoned actors, Rosewood has the potential to be a great show, but it's missing that wow factor.

What did you think of Rosewood? Are you excited to see what the show has to offer? What do you think about the chemistry between Dr. Rosewood and Detective Villa?

Don't forget you can watch Rosewood online right here at TV Fanatic!

Pilot Review

Editor Rating: 3.5 / 5.0
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Rating: 3.2 / 5.0 (22 Votes)
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Rosewood Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

I'm the Beethoven of private pathology.


We're not partners, let's get that straight.

Det. Villa