Reign Season 3 Episode 13 Review: Strange Bedfellows

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Never underestimate a queen.

That's the takeaway from Reign Season 3 Episode 13 (and from the entire series, if you want to get technical). 

Once Mary knew the Vatican planned to have Elizabeth killed and that she would be next on their chopping block, she set about dismantling their plan and did so at the expense of her own heart. 

We're in a part of history that just isn't all that interesting right now, so the main goings-on of court are only marginally entertaining. The sub-stories and secondary characters of Reign Season 3 are proving far more intriguing than Mary and Elizabeth's constant battle for the throne (of different albeit warring nations).

In short, Mary and Gideon uncovered the Vatican's plot to assassinate both Elizabeth and Mary herself only to install Joseph Tudor on the throne. Robert Dudley took credit with Elizabeth once the Vatican had Gideon arrested. 

Catherine, with Mary's intercession, came up with a plan to save Gideon from execution by sending him back to England in exchange for her best general, meaning Mary had to say goodbye to her new lover. 

Dudley, of course, regained his station in England for uncovering the plot against their Queen so now he's back in everyone's good graces and free to continue his dalliance with Elizabeth. How perfect everything is working out for her, you guys!

Mary, on the other hand, just gets another broken heart and another length of time during which she can't return to her country so it moves further and further away from seeing her as its Queen.

(Why is this show about Mary Stuart again? Her life? Kind of dismal in comparison to other European monarchs...)

Am I the only one on the planet hoping for Conde to return to save Mary from this incessant quest for a strong marriage alliance? Where is this guy? 

I'm sure someone out there knows or I could just go look it up on a Wiki, but I'm lazy and it's late and he's not historically the next dude in Mary's life so why should I bother? It's just that watching her getting boring. 

To be fair Elizabeth's not really doing much of anything either, except playing chess with Lola and asserting herself in front of a room full of men like she absolutely should, but still. If we're looking for the action, we have to look to Catherine.

Catherine gets ish done.

Catherine is set on finding the Red Knights who have been reborn with a vow to take down the House of Valois. I think she needs to look closely at Christophe because anyone who is that Dexter-ish (and dexterous) can't be good. 

I mean, he's NOT good. He's the opposite of good. He murders people for fun and gets turned on while doing it and that's just downright creepy. But he's the son of the courtesan and the Red Knight. There's no way the guy who was killed outside the tent is the son of the courtesan. Nope. Not buying it.

Christophe? If the whole thing about the Red Knights was that they sold their souls to the Devil, Christophe seems to fit that sociopathic bill. The guy is not okay. 

It actually makes me a little scared for Bash.

Bash always gets himself caught up in these murder plots, and yeah, it's his job as Chief of Security or whatever his official title is, but one of these plots is going to catch up to him and I just keep hoping he'll get another good storyline before he dies.

Maybe Kenna could return! That would be lovely! They could rekindle their Henry-inspired love affair and he wouldn't hate her any longer. Kenna could show up just in time to be Greer's midwife.

Greer. Oh, Greer. 

What is she going to do? Is she going to keep this baby? How? (I mean, it's obvious how. She just does it. But that seems a precarious decision given her current occupation as a madam.)

Her brother-in-law and sister who were planning to adopt Greer's baby and raise it as their own decided that the only way to do so was to move out of the country. So they extorted Greer for the money to make the move and just...assumed she wouldn't find out?

Thought she wouldn't send someone to track them down when she learned they had been the ones to blackmail her so they could flee to Switzerland? 

Those two? Not the sharpest knives. Claude, however, is quite resourceful.

I'm still not sure how I feel about Claude and Leith, as I have a thing for Leith and Greer, but it's sort of clear and obvious that's never happening again.

Claude is fun. For sure. And she's fun for Leith. But she's so...not Greer. 

Sigh. My shipper heart dies hard, y'all.

What did you think of "Strange Bedfellows"? Do you think Christophe is a son of the Red Knights? What should Greer do with the baby? Sound off in the comments below and don't forget you can watch Reign online!

Reign Season 3 Episode 14 airs next Monday night at 8 on the CW.

Strange Bedfellows Review

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Miranda Wicker was a Staff Writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in 2017. Follow her on Twitter.

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Reign Season 3 Episode 13 Quotes

I don't give my heart or give up easily.


Tell me, what would hurt more. Knowing the person you love will die, or knowing they're alive but you cannot have them?
