Scream Season 2 Episode 10 Review: The Vanishing

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Noah has the worst luck with women. 

It was sad to see Zoe go on Scream Season 2 Episode 10, but at least Noah survived. 

I'm not exactly sure how since he probably should have bled out in that coffin long before suffocating, but I guess it wasn't as deep as it looked. 

I get after they rescued him they were rushing to save Zoe, but couldn't Audrey have at least taken off her shirt, sat in the back seat next to him and applied pressure to the wound while Emma sped off to the lake?

There were a lot of characters missing from this one, guys. Kieran, Gustavo, and Brooke were completely MIA, and Eli had the briefest of appearances right at the very end. What does it mean? 

Probably that the killer is not someone who was featured in this episode (Eli excluded). I guess we can't completely rule out Maggie, but I'm doubting it's her. She was alone when she put that note in the tree, so it's not like she was putting on a front for anyone. She must believe there's at least a possibility Brandon is still out there, and she's trying to protect Emma. 

Those flashbacks have me wondering if Miguel's days could be numbered, but killing the sheriff feels like a repeat of Scream Season 1, especially if it happens this late in the game. 

I still think Eli is too short to be the killer, but the writers are doing everything they can to keep us suspecting him. They've spent a lot of time making Kieran, Eli, and Gustavo look guilty. It would make sense if at least one of them was involved. 

Audrey finally made the connection that the person doing this is Piper's partner, which we've all assumed for awhile. The question is, does that mean it's only one killer, or did the partner recruit a new partner?

Killer: Don't you know the rules? Now that you and Zoe have had sex, you're both on the slasher chopping block. You know how that goes.
Noah: You need to update your genre references. That's a pretty outdated way of thinking.

Can these characters all stop assuming the texts they are getting are actually from the person they think they're from?

I mean, seriously guys, from now on don't go anywhere based on a text. Noah ditching school to meet Zoe was a bad decision in and of itself, but to not immediately get back in the car and drive away when she wasn't there was just dumb. 

There's a killer on the loose, and you're smarter than that Noah. 

Still, losing Zoe is going to be absolutely devastating for him. It'll be interesting to see how he reacts. Will his grief take over, making him useless to the mission, or will his anger fuel him? Either way, it's hard to imagine him thinking clearly.

The absence of the guys' was obviously to feed our suspicions, but what about Brooke's absence?

Sure, logically we can probably assume it didn't mean anything other than the story didn't need her, but could she be involved? She's been putting on quite a show of missing Jake and anger towards her father. It would be quite the twist if it did turn out to be her. 

Emma: Why did you hate me?
Audrey: You broke my heart! I loved you, okay, and you broke my heart. The worst part is, you didn't even know you were doing it.

We probably need to talk about Audrey's confession. While I wasn't expecting it, I can't say I was super shocked by it. It definitely explains why the two best friends had a falling out. That really sucks for Emma though, to have lost her best friend without ever really knowing why. 

At least now they can finally put their differences aside and focus on figuring out who's tormenting them. Their fighting nearly lost Noah his life. 

As an aside, I literally wrote in my notes "how does the killer always know wen Audrey and Emma are together?" and then laughed out loud when Audrey made a similar comment moments later. The amount of stalking this killer does has got to be exhausting. 

We are getting down to the nitty gritty now. Who's on top of your suspect list?

If you missed any clues, you can go back and watch Scream online

The Vanishing Review

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Stacy Glanzman was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in March, 2019.

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Scream Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes

Killer: Don't you know the rules? Now that you and Zoe have had sex, you're both on the slasher chopping block. You know how that goes.
Noah: You need to update your genre references. That's a pretty outdated way of thinking.

Emma: Wait what is Noah's obsession?
Audrey: Murders, Brandon James, the Morgue? I don't know, Noah is an obsessive nerd by nature.