The Fosters Season 4 Episode 17 Review: Diamond In The Rough

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The smiles were few and far between.

There is so much hurt and betrayal circulating on The Fosters Season 4 Episode 17. Just about every member of the Foster clan is in dire need of a hug.

There were some good things that happened during the installment, too.

Just Between Us Girls - The Fosters Season 4 Episode 17

Human trafficking is one of those hot button issues that we're fortunately becoming more and more aware of these days. Especially, if you live in one of the hot areas where it's prevalent and on the rise.

That's something I can relate to, and obviously the Adams-Foster family residing in California, means that Stef would encounter it too. Her first case on her first day at her new job was one involving a teen sex worker by the name of Diamond.

It can't possibly be the first time in Stef's long career as a cop, that she encountered a sex worker, let alone one who is a teenager. Maybe it's just that she's in a new position, that she came across as a novice with the case.

Sadly, it was evident early on that Diamond wouldn't be turning on her pimp, Russell, and no matter how awful the johns were to her, and how much she feared retribution from Russell, it wasn't enough for her to turn away.

There is a sense of dependency and hopelessness that comes with that industry and the people who are unwillingly dragged into it.  There is a blind loyalty to the detriment of the victim. 

This guy paid me $120 which basically means he can do to me whatever he wants.

And that's what people who end up dragged into that life without much of a choice are, victims. It's mind-boggling that so many people can consider prostitution a victimless crime.

Diamond, deep down, truly wants out of the lifestyle but she's more afraid of what Russell will do to her. She feels like there is no way out of it. 

It wasn't going to take long before she tried to contact him again after getting arrested and being put in the group home. It wasn't even surprising when she was willing to recruit another girl to make amends for being arrested. 

It's heartbreaking all around. Stef thought the case was going to be a lot simpler than it is. In fact, she still doesn't know yet that she hasn't gotten through to Diamond.

Callie seemed to be a bit suspect, but for the most part, she's none the wiser, too. The arc with Diamond was left unresolved.

I thought for sure it would be a one installment sort of thing, but if they do revisit it and make a small arc out of it, it'll be really interesting. 

In Callie's defense, she spent the hour distracted because she caught AJ and Dawn kissing. Ouch.

On one hand, I truly felt bad for her because that had to hurt. No one deserves to be hurt that way. On the other hand, it reminded me so much of the time(s) when Aaron kissed her and she didn't quite stop him. 

I like Callie. I like AJ. I even like them together, but I'm steadfast in my affirmation that Callie should be single. 

She's a great friend, but she's not the greatest girlfriend. When Callie has a lot going on, she can be a bit self-consumed and self-involved. 

The problem is, Callie always has a lot going on.

She tried to reconnect with AJ instead of just talking to him about what she saw first. It led to some awkward moments, like her pretty much being rejected when she tried to jump in the shower with him.

Ouch, again. The last thing a ready and willing naked girl wants, is for her hot, naked boyfriend to turn her down. That's a blow to the ego, for sure.

Finally, they had the conversation and addressed the issue and AJ was honest with her. He felt like their relationship was taking too much work. He felt like they were working harder than they should have, and that they shouldn't have to work so hard for it.

It's easy with her. I love you Callie, but everything is so damn hard. It should be so hard.


He still loves her, but sometimes love just isn't enough. I loved that he finally got to be honest with her (and himself) about their relationship.

I also loved that it's one of those things where no one is really to blame. It just isn't working. There are no bad guys here.

AJ was on a roll during the hour, because he finally got to talk to Mike about the whole adoption thing too. The relationship between the two of them is fantastic and there is never enough of it, if you ask me.

Mike finally told him that he loved him and considers him family, and that he would have adopted AJ regardless. AJ told Mike that he'd like to work things out with his brother.

You're family to me. I love you, and I want to make it official.


I think their plan is a nice compromise. AJ gets to stay with Mike until Ty is out, and then he and Ty can move into the apartment down the hall.

The turning point was definitely when Mike revealed that he had been saving up the money he was receiving for fostering AJ, so that AJ could have it afterwards. It showed AJ that Mike really does love AJ and it has nothing to do with the money.

The love fest continued with the twins.

Jesus' secret about not being able to read was out in the open and Lena and Mariana were trying to help him through that. The after effects of Jesus' injury don't stop for a second, and it's great that they are giving this storyline the proper time and covering it in a realistic manner.

Jesus was not a fan of the glasses he was prescribed. It was such a pity, he really did look adorable in them. 

For once, meddlesome Mariana was a plus. She discovered that Jesus has some wicked awesome sketching skills and that he was designing a tree house inspired by his favorite book as a kid. 

The tree house would be a great project for him. It would give him the chance to use some of the skills he already has, and it would probably help with the brain trauma too. 

So, I spoke with Drew, and he's not going to approve Jesus' project.


It sucks that Drew said no, but even if it turns out to be something that the twins work on together just for themselves, it'll be great. 

I'm concerned about the fact that there are doubts regarding Jesus returning to Anchor Beach. Do they not have special-education there? How would he get kicked out? He shouldn't fall that far behind to the point of him having to be shipped away. 

For a kid like Jesus, who already deals with learning disabilities, and insecurities regarding his intellect, it would be downright terrible if he has to be shipped off to a special-ed school. 

Of course with Drew in charge, God only knows what will happen at Anchor Beach. 

The best thing Drew did, was come up with the most conniving way ever to oust Monte. Outside of that, he's positively loathsome. 

Getting Monte out on a technicality and using the fact that she cared too much about the school's best interest, was rather genius.

It's funny, when she kept harping about permission slips for an off-campus get together, the thought had briefly crossed my mind that forcing that would make the school liable when they otherwise wouldn't have been, but then I just dismissed it. 

Drew didn't, though. So long, Monte!

I was never a Monte fan, but now that we know Drew weaseled his way into becoming the new principal, I'm starting to think we were better off with the devil we knew. 

What will this mean for Lena? I swear if he touches one curly strand of hair on her head, my wrath won't be contained. I am a card-carrying member of the "Protect Lena Adams-Foster At All Costs" squad. Who isn't protective of mama, though?

Jude was notably missing, and Brandon apparently went on a date with Grace. So much for Brandon staying single. 

I don't think that she should be putting you in the middle of this...and for your sake I hope he doesn't find out that you knew all along.


Also, Mariana is right, Emma needs to leave Brandon out of this situation with her and Jesus. Having him sneaking around Jesus' room to retrieve the letter (because she still hasn't told him the truth) was just wrong. 

Did you enjoy the episode? Are you bummed about AJ and Callie breaking up? Are you happy Monte is gone? What do you think will happen to Jesus? Hit up the comments below.

You can watch The Fosters online right here via TV Fanatic!

Diamond In The Rough Review

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Jasmine Blu is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. She is an insomniac who spends late nights and early mornings binge-watching way too many shows and binge-drinking way too much tea. Her eclectic taste makes her an unpredictable viewer with an appreciation for complex characters, diverse representation, dynamic duos, compelling stories, and guilty pleasures. You'll definitely find her obsessively live-tweeting, waxing poetic, and chatting up fellow Fanatics and readers. Follow her on X.

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