The Bachelorette Season 13 Episode 4 Review: Can You Spell D-R-A-M-A?

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After taking a week off for the NBA finals (shoutout to Rachel's ex-boyfriend Kevin Durant for winning his first championship) and all of the Bachelor In Paradise drama, The Bachelorette is back. And I've almost forgotten who everyone is and why everyone hates each other. Almost.

The Bachelorette Season 13 Episode 4 brought us back to the pre-rose ceremony cocktail party.

Russell Dickerson - The Bachelorette

Eric is screaming at Lee for talking badly about him to Rachel, and Lee doesn't seem to care and continues to poke at him.

You're damn right I enjoy pissing him off.


Lee dropped a classic "I didn't come here to make friends" line, which just proves he is a jerk. (If the racist and sexist tweets the media exposed a few weeks back somehow didn't convince you.)

Dean moved up to my Top 2 when he called Lee out for being full of it and intolerant. However, he went down to my Top 3 when he didn't know the difference between a cork and a quirk. 

During Lee's conversation with Rachel, he opened up about his grandfather's cancer and showed her the block he made him. Usually during moments like this, sad music plays and the lead and her potential husband bond, but because this is Lee, the music stayed upbeat and the gesture came off as inauthentic not genuine at all. 

That's the power of the editing room. And the producers not doing their research before casting.

The only two guys who seem to be in it to win it are Bryan and Peter. If these two aren't meeting with Neil Lane to pick out engagement rings at the end of this, there's something wrong with Rachel (and we know she's perfect, so I'd just move them to the final two in your Bachelorette bracket now).

Meanwhile, the other men are not going to let Lee get away with being the worst, and Kenny confronts him about interrupting his time with Rachel. 

It's not gonna put a tear in my beer.


Lee does the same thing he did to Eric to Kenny. He pokes at him instead of listening to him or apologizing. Lee makes Whaboom look like a saint. 

After all of the drama, Rachel gets emotional and starts to feel the pressure of not only being the Bachelorette but also being the first black Bachelorette.

I get pressured from so many different ways being in this position. I already know what people are gonna say about me, and judge me for the decisions that I'm making. I'm going to be the one who has to deal with that, and nobody else.


I think she's officially the prettiest crier in reality TV history. (Or at least tied with Lauren Conrad.)

Chris Harrison steps in and announces the cocktail party is over, and it's time for the rose ceremony. Chris Harrison is kind of like a superhero and "I can facilitate anything" is his tagline and super power.

You just have to tell me what you want, I can facilitate anything.

Chris Harrison

At the rose ceremony, Rachel gives roses to a bunch of men I've never seen before (Matt? Adam? Jack?) and unfortunately, Lee.

She sends home Diggy, Brady, and Bryce. I'm actually disappointed that she sent home Diggy and kept Lee. Diggy is just as smart as Lee. People totally like Diggy just as much as they like Lee. We should totally just stab Lee!

Gretchen Weiners Caesar

After a quick commercial for Hilton Head Island, Rachel goes on a one-on-one date with Dean.

They have a quick champagne picnic and then Rachel reveals her childhood obsession with blimps. Naturally, the blimp gets closer and it's there for Dean and Rachel. Dreams do come true (when Chris Harrison is your Fairy God Mother.)

Dean is super nervous to ride in the blimp, and Rachel's worried he's going to get sick. I'm not sure why because Nick and Vanessa taught us that vomit was romantic last season. (#NeverForget)

Nick and Vanessa

This episode is officially sponsored by Goodyear and brought to you by Hilton Head.

At the dinner portion of their date, Dean wears the tightest white pants I've ever seen. He can hardly walk, but he looks great.

He opens up about his mother dying of breast cancer to Rachel, and frankly, it was a heartbreaking story. I almost forgot I was watching The Bachelorette for a moment and just wanted to give Dean a hug.

However, I quickly remember when they randomly attend a Russell Dickerson (who?) concert and Dean got a rose. 

Meanwhile, a second date card arrives at the hotel, and Jack Stone is the only one left off the group date card (which means he gets the second one-on-one).

Like I'm happy for Jack, but I would do anything to change positions with him.


Thank you for stating the obvious, Iggy.

On the group date, Rachel takes the men on a boat ride, but it quickly turns into a dance party. ("Go Tickle! Go Tickle!")

It's interesting to see the different ways the men try to impress Rachel. Peter takes Rachel to the top of the boat and does the Titanic move (swoon), Josiah does shirtless pushups with Rachel on his back, and Kenny starts a rap battle.

If you're hot, please feel free to take your shirts off.


Rachel does a good job (at least pretending) to be interested in all of them, but you know she likes Peter because she pretended to be impressed with his rap.

After the boat ride, Rachel brings the men to a Spelling Bee hosted by Chris Harrison. Plot. Twist.

In a less surprising twist, none of these guys can spell (especially Kenny, who can't spell champagne). Josiah wins, and I think he's more excited about his trophy than spending more time with Rachel.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to point out Will is flying under the radar and will casually slide into the top six or seven (Tanner Tolbert syle).

And point out for the 240,825th time, Peter is the best.

Iggy uses his time with Rachel to talk about why he thinks Josiah is not there for the right reasons. I think he's just jealous of his trophy. 

Iggy is like a gossip queen.


Josiah (naturally) doesn't handle this well, but it's safe to say Iggy is just lame and wants attention.

The drama quickly shifts back to Lee when Rachel asks him about his fight with Kenny the other night. Lee calls Kenny aggressive and says that he attacked Lee, not the other way around.

I feel bad for Kenny because he thinks Rachel believes Lee instead of him and next week he is going to have to go on a two-on-one date with Lee. (Brb going to print Team Kenny t-shirts ASAP.)

He's an alternative facts piece of garbage.


I've said this before (and I'm sure I'll say it again), but this is hands down the most dramatic group of men in Bachelorette history. The only thing that could make it worse is if Josh Murray showed up at the next destination. 

Don't forget you can watch The Bachelorette online via TV Fanatic.

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Sarah Hearon is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.

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