Nancy Drew Season 1 Episode 8 Review: The Path of Shadows

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Ace's spirit is lost and lingering on Nancy Drew Season 1 Episode 8

Unfortunately, getting him back is no easy task, and the show's creep factor skyrockets to disturbingly new heights. 

But that's the cost of crossing over into the spirit world. There's always going to be a few souls who aren't looking to be disturbed. 

Facing the Truth - Nancy Drew Season 1 Episode 8

George's supernatural journey wasn't a peaceful one, to say the least. 

She encountered plenty of angry spirits who made it their mission to torture her until she was eventually taken back to the scene of Ace's car crash. 

Although she didn't find Ace there, it was convenient that she was able to glimpse the pair of boots that helped Nancy discover the dirty cop inside the police department. 

For a dirty cop, you clean up too thoroughly.


Ace's importance to the gang is often overlooked by most of the characters in the series. Ace always has everyone's best interests at heart, and he is one of the few people who cares more about his friends than fulfilling his agenda. 

Innocent or Guilty? - Nancy Drew Season 1 Episode 8

On Nancy Drew Season 1 Episode 7, Nancy had no problem condemning Ace for something that was out of his control. 

He may have been forced to keep secrets, but Nancy is not in a position to lecture him. Let's not forget that Nick broke up with Nancy for unnecessarily keeping things hidden from her friends. 

At least Ace's reasons were justified. 

However, Ace still took what Nancy said to heart and went out of his way to make things right. In doing so, Ace ended up in the car accident which left him in a coma. 

George: What are you doing?
Nancy: Last time we talked, Ace and I had a difficult conversation.
George: About what?
Nancy: He felt like he was letting us down, and he wanted to prove something. Trying to figure out if Laura was connected to Tiffany's death. That's why he was with her.

George may have been able to lead his spirit back to his body, but he's not out of the woods, yet. George helped give him a shot at survival, but the rest is up to him.

Ace is now the same as any coma patient fighting to regain consciousness. 

It seems unlikely that Nancy Drew would kill off a main character so early in the series, but who knows? The show hasn't been around long enough for viewers to know the extent that the writers will go.

It's a scary thought, but Ace's life is up in the air. 

Father-Daughter Duel - Nancy Drew Season 1 Episode 8

Ace's relationship with Bess needs to be addressed once again. They have the kind of friendship that deserves to be talked about at every opportunity. 

Nancy knowing that Bess would have Ace's lock code simply because of how close they are, was the best moment of the entire episode. 

Nancy: Bess, can you unlock this, please?
Bess: What makes you think I know his passcode?
Nancy: You two are that kind of close.

Bess needs her platanchor, and it was evident by her emotional state throughout the entire episode. 

Speaking of Bess, her relationship with Lisbeth took an interesting turn. 

Considering that Nancy Drew always hits you with the unexpected, it shouldn't be too surprising that Bess' girlfriend wasn't who she seemed.

Yet, I can honestly say that Lisbeth being an undercover cop wasn't something I ever considered. 

Regardless, all the revelation did was make Lisbeth more badass, and Bess and Lisbeth's romance even more interesting than before. 

With many of the secrets between them out in the open, I'm officially on board with this relationship. 

The show did throw viewers for a loop when Nancy went to confront Bess and wound up getting punched in the face. However, it was all a part of Nancy's plan.

Bad News - Nancy Drew Season 1 Episode 8

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...well, that's on me. 

Hopefully, Nancy won't run out of plans anytime soon. Now that George's sister has disappeared, it's time to jump right back into action. 

But before they can discover where Ted is, they need to discover who took her. If it's not Dead Lucy or Tiffany, who has Ted been communicating with?

Is it a random spirit? Or is it someone with more significance?

In my mind, Carson Drew is no longer a suspect. I never truly believed he killed Dead Lucy, but I did believe he knew more than he was letting on. 

It's understandable that Nancy was suspicious of him, but while he may have been keeping secrets, he's been trying to be a good father to Nancy. 

Family Dinner - Nancy Drew Season 1 Episode 8

He hasn't been doing a great job, but the effort is clearly there. 

If it was a Hudson...I was scared of what they'd do to us.


It would be nice if they could get all their secrets out in the open and be the father/daughter detective duo we need in our lives. 

So what's next?

Ace may have returned from the spirit world, but he hasn't returned to the land of the living. 

There's so many characters. Why did it have to be Ace? Why is it always the person who deserves it the least?

Carson Drew - Nancy Drew Season 1 Episode 8

Stray Thoughts:

  • How's Laura? We haven't heard too much about her after the accident. But, to be fair, Ace is the one we're really worried about. 
  • What's going on with Nick and Nancy? There may have been more important things at hand, but we need to find out where they stand soon. Nick deserves a lot better than the way Nancy was treating him, and so does Owen, for that matter. Nancy, ever heard of "treat people the way you want to be treated?"
  • Speaking of Owen, he's absence is surprisingly noticeable. He's a character that's all too easy to get attached to.
  • Ace's scariest moment was when he thought he was going to lose his dad, rather than when he thought he was going to lose his own life. It says a lot about the kind of person he is, and why he deserves to survive. 

Alright, Nancy Drew fans. What did you think of "The Path of Shadows?"

Drop a comment down below and let us know your thoughts and predictions! 

And don't forget that if you missed the episode you can watch Nancy Drew online right here at TV Fanatic!

Nancy Drew airs Wednesdays at 9/8c on The CW. 

The Path of Shadows Review

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Nancy Drew Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

George: What are you doing?
Nancy: Last time we talked, Ace and I had a difficult conversation.
George: About what?
Nancy: He felt like he was letting us down, and he wanted to prove something. Trying to figure out if Laura was connected to Tiffany's death. That's why he was with her.

Nancy: Bess, can you unlock this, please?
Bess: What makes you think I know his passcode?
Nancy: You two are that kind of close.