Ginny & Georgia Season 2 Episode 7 Review: Let Us Serenade the Sh*t Out of You

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Everyone has inner demons, even in a wealthy town like Wellsbury.

Almost every character's life changed on Ginny & Georgia Season 2 Episode 7.

Georgia strived to be more involved in Ginny's recovery, Gil showed his true colors, and Ginny dealt with racism again at school.

Ginny's English Dilemma - Ginny & Georgia

Racism is a topic that isn't covered much, but it affects many students, especially biracial ones like Ginny, trying to fit into a white world. Ginny & Georgia Season 2 delved into how African-American students feel ostracized in primarily white schools.

More than anything, Ginny hated feeling different, and her teacher's idea only singled her out in class even more.

Ginny's Special Assignment - Ginny & Georgia Season 2 Episode 7

In order to be fair to the students, Mr. Gitten could have suggested the students choose a book by someone they admire and lead a class discussion.

That wouldn't have put Ginny on the spot or made her responsible for changing the school's curriculum.

Ginny was still learning where she fits in because her teacher wasn't overtly racist, but she felt this assignment was wrong.

While she took a stand by walking out, it hurt her since English was her passion. Will she thrive in another class? Most of her friends don't care about school the way she does.

Enthusiastic Max - Ginny & Georgia Season 2 Episode 6

While Marcus has had issues throughout the series, he returned from holiday break more melancholy than ever.

Max's bubbly one has always contrasted with his moody personality. I hated that Marcus showed up to school drunk, but the best part was seeing how Max rushed to take care of him.

I missed watching their relationship when they fought and were so protective of each other.

Did something happen over break because Marcus seemed even more insecure, wondering how Ginny could love someone like him?

Joint Therapy Session - Ginny & Georgia Season 2 Episode 7

Ever since Georgia learned about Ginny burning herself, their relationship changed. Georgia became more mom-oriented and involved.

Georgia continually thought she was the only one that could help Ginny, but therapy is supposed to be confidential, and Georgia often intimidated Ginny, so she should have asked first.

Family therapy can be helpful for teens struggling with depression, but Georgia is such a force that I understood why the therapist and Ginny worried she'd take over the session.

While Georgia was devastated that Ginny was harming herself, she, like usual, made it more about herself and her pain that she didn't know.

But you’re not friends. You’re mother and daughter. Do you feel you respect Ginny’s boundaries?


Ginny's Therapist - Ginny & Georgia Season 2 Episode 7

This therapy session was needed because Ginny and Georgia love each fiercely, but they often shut down and hurt each other.

I know you did a lot for me and I know it was hard. But until now, I’ve never lived in a town long enough to have a friend.


Sometimes, Georgia forgot that while it was hard for her to be a young mom, it was just as tricky for Ginny to move so frequently and never put down any roots. Ginny never had a best friend until she met Max.

Ginny often felt misunderstood, especially as she dealt with being biracial. She needed her mom to give her space and not do things like read her journal.

Reading Ginny's journal turned out to be a blessing since Georgia needed to know, and it brought them closer as they dealt with the issue together.

I need you to listen to me, Mom, and know what you do impacts me.


Bonding on the Couch - Ginny & Georgia Season 2 Episode 7

Ginny also assumed that she was supposed to be strong and that vulnerability was a weakness, but Ginny's vulnerability allowed her to express herself.

That's how Ginny and Georgia differ. Ginny can express herself freely, while Georgia has had to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders.

Georgia grew up way too fast, partly because of her childhood and partly because of the men in her life.

She used to choose men based on who had money versus who was decent, and that's coming back to haunt her.

The Surprise Bachelorette Party - Ginny & Georgia Season 2 Episode 7

Georgia has grown jaded about life, which was why she mentioned she didn't need a bachelorette party or bridesmaid dresses.

She probably didn't want to jinx that anything would go wrong with this wedding or relationship.

Georgia needed to celebrate and let loose with all the seriousness in their lives.

I wondered how Joe felt being part of the festivities since he's still in love with Georgia, but he can't refuse her or Ginny.

Faking It - Ginny & Georgia Season 2 Episode 7

Gil was as charming and dangerous as ever. He had practically the entire town fooled that he was reformed and wanted a second chance with his son. Gil (Aaron Ashmore) flirted menacingly and made you wonder what secrets Gil and Georgia had.

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen him, G. I just want to see my son.


Gil used his charming skills and Georgia's fear of him to get what he wanted. He knew she'd never say no to him seeing Austin when all the other school moms thought he was great. Georgia craved their approval more than anything.

Georgia still acted like a battered ex-wife. She was terrified to formulate a legal custody agreement with Gil.

Georgia: No lawyers. Gil wouldn’t like that.
Paul: I don’t particularly care what Gil likes.

Secrets of the Past - Ginny & Georgia Season 2 Episode 7

I'm unsure how much Zion knew about Georgia's past with Gil. If he knew that Gil actually hurt Georgia, Zion would have gotten Georgia and Ginny out of there. They were his family.

Neither Zion nor Paul seemed to trust Gil around Georgia or the kids, but Georgia laughed it off.

Paul to Zion: We don’t like him, do we?
Zion: No, we don’t.

While she was scared, Georgia needed to tell someone the truth. The kids thought Gil was fun and brought presents, so Ginny didn't know Austin couldn't go off with him.

Gil has gotten skilled at playing mind games, from hinting to others how Georgia framed him to taking off Austin's tracker and making her think she kidnapped him. They might not be together anymore, but he's still abusing and controlling her.

Playing Mind Games - Ginny & Georgia Season 2 Episode 7

Gil is the ultimate abuser-charmer in public but threatening in private.

How dangerous is Gil? Is Georgia desperate enough to use that gun?

Is Marcus headed toward a downward spiral? Chime in below in the comments.

Ginny & Georgia Season 2 is streaming now on Netflix.

Let Us Serenade the Sh*t Out of You Review

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Laura Nowak is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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Ginny & Georgia Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Georgia: So you move into town, move into a trendy toaster and you unilaterally get to decide what’s best for her?
Zion: Oh, you mean like when you took off in the middle of the night, and I didn’t see her for a year?
Georgia: I was 16. You’re 34. We don’t keep secrets.

Ginny: I feel like we haven’t left this couch in days.
Georgia: We are the couch. The couch is us.