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Animal Kingdom Season 5 Episode 5 Recap: Family Business

  • Pope happens across a Christian group getting baptized in the ocean. A former inmate Pope knew tells him that Angela died. He learns that her ex, Shane, may have been behind beating her to death.
  • Ex-Con: I heard about Angela I know she used to run with your sister. Did you know her well? Pope: Angela? What about Angela? Ex-Con: She passed away, bro. Pope: What? When? Ex-Con: A couple of days ago. 
  • Pamela calls Deran and tells him that she and her family will drop by Smurf's house later and tells him to tell the others. 
  • Renn returns and says that she's thinking about selling real estate. 
  • Smurf overhears some cops, including Jerry, talk about all sorts of things. She gets the rundown on Jerry's background from a waitress. 
  • J: You're okay with this? Craig: Oh, now you give a shit about my opinion? 
  • J is annoyed that Deran had a face to face with Pamela without them and they're all wary of why she's really there. The tension between them is thick as the fight for control persists 
  • Pamela comes with her son Phonix and her granddaughter Lark 
  • Pamela: I brought lunch. Why don't you boys help Phonix carry it into my house. 
  • Pope hasn't shown up. 
  • Pamela and her niece walk through the house and make plans for it. 
  • Phoneix was a former skater and Craig used to look up to him apparently.
  • Pope arrives and eventually recogonizes Pamela which throws the others off. 
  • Pamela: Andrew, it's Auntie Birdie, remember me? Craig: You know her? Pope: I don't — Pamela: It was a long time ago. It's good to see you. Pamela: Yeah, I remember. I remember you. Pamela: Remember Phoneix? He used to babysit you and Julia when you were small. 
  • Pamela; Why don't you all get some plates, set the table. I brought BBQ. I figured you all are used to eating out with your mother. Craig: Nah, Smurf always cooked. Pamela: Huh. When we were younger she couldn't boil water. 
  • Lark: If we go to court, you lose. And my grandmother is not a patient woman. She won't ask again. 
  • Pamela offers them a job as a chance to work toward getting things back. They all say they contest the will but Pamela's granddaughter says they don't have a case 
  • Phoneix shaes that the safe Pamela wants them to steal has evidence from when he got into a fight and killed a man and Marion, the person who has it, is using it to blackmail Pamela. 
  • Pamela: Andrew, it's been a long time. Pope: You still smell the same. Pamela: I was very sorry to hear about Julia. What happened? Pope: She o'ded. Pamela: It must've been hard on your mother. To lose a child. Pope: My mother didn't give a shit about any of us. Especially Julia.
  • Pamela: You heard my proposal. You got 24 hours to decide what you want to do. Yes, and Phoneix will give you all the details that you need. No, I want you out of this house by the end of the week. Your choice.
  • Pamela tells them they could either do the job or  be out of the house by the end of the week. 
  • Pamela talks a little to Pope and says she's sorry about Julia, and he tells her that Smurf never cared about them. He leaves to go handle something.
  • Smurf listens to the police scanner and hopes to get Jerry on their side on the books.
  • Deran says that they should scout out the location and do the job despite J's reservations and hopes that they can still fight it. 
  • Pope tracks down the Shane guy, chases him, and then beats him and nearly drowns him in the water. 
  • They scout out the place with the help of Phoniex. It's never emptyt though. It's a skateboard clubhouse with all the kids that Marion takes in off the streets. 
  • Phonix works there are Marion helped raise him he says.
  • Smurf, Jake, and the kids steal a firebird. 
  • Smurf strikes a deal with Jerry. She knows that his mother is sick and he isn't making enough money and exploits that while also using her feminine wiles on him.
  • Craig and Frankie meet with her fence, and it goes well. They may have business in the future. 
  • But the fence brings up Vladick and Frankie gets squirrely. She apparently owes this guy money and tha'ts why she was trying to get over on J with the percentage.
  • Frankie: J's the one who approached me about the fence, so why are you here?
  • Frankie: I'll be OK. Craig: You sure? Frankie: Yeah. But if you have anything you want to throw my way.
  • Frankie and Craig make out.
  • Craig and Renn get into it again about her priorities when she tells him she needs to get formula for the baby because she smoked.
  • Pope packs his things up to leave when Deran finds him and asks him what's been going on. Pope has an emotional breakdown and tells him everything. Deran tells him that he can he leave and that they have his back just like he's always had theirs, but Pope says he doesn't know if he can come back 
  • Deran: Where you been? Pope: I'm leaving. Deran: What are you talking about? Pope: I hvve to go. Deran: We scouted the job that Pamela wants us to do and we need you. Bey, stop. What's going on with you? What is this? Whose blood is this? Whose blood is this? Pope: I can't stay here. Deran: Talk to me. What's going on? Pope, talk to me. What's going on? Pope: I'm forgetting things. Where I am, I'm waking up places. I don't know how I got there. I don't remember what happened. Deran: Okay. Pope: I'm confused. Deran: Ok, we'll go to a doctor. We'll talk to a doctor, see what they say. Pope: They picked me up at some trailer park, and then I go back to get my truck and they say that I'm wandering around knocking on doors looking for Julia. Deran: What? Pope: I'm blacking out. I'm looking for ghosts. I'm hearing voices, I'm hearing Smurf's voice! In my head, everywhere I look, I see her everywhere! I can't stay. Deran: Hey, listen to me. If you wanna go you can go. I get it, alright? You've had our acks for so long, now we have yours, okay? You just go do what you need to do and you come back, alright? Pope::I don't think I can come back.
  • Jake: What are we doing? Smurf: FWhat do you mean? Jake: You and me. Smurf:F why don't you ask your wife that? 
  • Jake has reservations about Smurf teaching the twins jobs.
  • J: Wher you going? Deran: I fgured with Pope gone I should probably spend some ore time at home. J: For what? Deran: To keep an eye on things. J: Your house you're just going to leave that empty? Deran: You know, maybe I'll rent it out like yo usuggested. 
  • J: What does your mom plan to do with this place? Phoneix: I don't know. She don't tell me shit.

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