Nick McHatton

Nick McHatton

Grimm Review: Of Reapers and Reasons

Grimm Review: Of Reapers and Reasons

Renard heads out into the field on tonight's Grimm and sprinkling a good helping of mystery in his wake. Find out how both Renard and Juliette are beginning to entangle themselves deeper and deeper in our review!
Posted in: Grimm
Grimm Review: Warm and Fuzzy

Grimm Review: Warm and Fuzzy

Nick brings Eddie along to investigate a crime scene involving Rapunzel this week on Grimm. Find out in our review if it was worth it!
Posted in: Grimm
Grimm Review: A Rat Rave

Grimm Review: A Rat Rave

The Pied Piper paid a visit to Grimm this week. Find out in our review if he brought the right things!
Posted in: Grimm