Changes and deaths took the forefront of Carnival Row's next two installments.
With the series finale fast approaching, many characters saw their paths changing for the better, while others saw significant setbacks.
Carnival Row Season 2 Episode 5 it also featured the death of two major players on the political side of things, shaking up the Burgue's politics.

What do we mean by two major players? We mean Jonah and Sophie (the other major-leaguer, Millworthy, who escaped death, thankfully).
Jonah executed Sophie for her treachery, but then Jonah quickly met a more painful execution by Sparas.

The Sparas, a creature/species, has been the creature committing all of the murders across The Burgue.
The character design for this shapeshifting monster is incredible and seriously terrified us (and the characters).
Vignette, whom the Sparas had just saved from execution, screamed in fear as the Sparas came close to her, but it freed her from her chains.
Sadly, the creature arrived too late to save Sophie, a character we started hating love. Jonah swiftly chopped her head off.
Luckily (well, for the fae, not for him), Jonah got a good view of the creature before it brutally killed him.

He got what was coming to him (just a lot sooner than we expected), and we're happy that he's out of the picture politically, but it begs the question: who's in?
The only honest answer is Millowrhty, but after the trauma of almost being executed, then witnessing the brutality of the Sparas, he seemed pretty shaken up.
That is, until the end of Carnival Row Season 2 Episode 6, it became apparent that the tensions between humans and fae were stronger than ever, which could end badly.
Instead of a new Chancellor, he got offered to join a committee of leaders who wanted to clean up Jonah's mess.
Another player could be Philo, who still holds the blood relative to the past Chancellor card.

However, Philo found himself arrested after his botched rescue attempt (not botched by him).
The attack of the Sparas got pinned on him, and after denying everything through torture, he started hallucinating.
This could be his fae personality and human personality clashing, straight-up exhaustion, or some other magical effect. Still, the hallucinations of his different selves may help him escape.
He doesn't want to hurt The Sparas, as he'd already done that during the war (he set fire to their natural habitat during a flashback, and watched them burn, even after trying to save them).
Philo keeps putting himself in more danger, and trying to deceive the police may make things worse for him.

Speaking of dangerous situations: Tourmaline got closer to the truth of her visions with the reveal of the Sparas.
Having escaped because of the creature, Vignette revealed to Tourmaline that she never saw Philo and that a Sparas broke her free.
Tourmaline freaked out, as this was the creature she kept seeing in her visions. The very same creature that one of the visions depicted killed her.
Tourmaline's initial panic got quelled by Darius and Vignette, who wanted to help save her no matter what. But Vignette had to deal with the Black Raven first.
Which is where things took a surprising (and welcomed) turn.

Vignette turned her back on the Black Raven. She outright rejected Kaine's plan to break out of the Row.
This shocked Kaine, but Vignette seemed adamant about wanting to protect Tourmaline and somehow save her from her fate.
How Vignette will do this is unknown, but she may have help from Darius, who has become an unlikely ally of Tourmalines.
In a moment of emotion that we've yet to see from him, Darius showed that he cared for Tourmaline because she was nice to him.
Darius has been a compelling character often shoved to the background, so we're glad we've been getting some actual development.

He even tried to talk Tourmaline out of using the dark magic voluntarily.
Speaking of things getting shoved aside, we hate waiting for the second of the two hours to get more info on Agreus and Imogen, Especially with Ezra in town.
Their storyline still manages to grab us right away, this time with Agreus and Imogen's escape plan, and Agreus spared Ezra's life.
Leonora put Agreus in charge of Ezra, whom he quickly recruited to help escape the New Dawn. Imogen and Agrues argued throughout a good amount of the episode, but their love never faltered.
We wish they'd get more screen time or at least wish the story would spread through the two episodes instead of just half of them.

The stakes have been successfully raised on the Row and throughout the rest of the Burgue.
With Jonah and Sophie's deaths and Tourmaline's visions constantly coming true, the fast-approaching finale finally seems in reach.
With the penultimate duo of segments coming, we wonder how many of these characters we've explored with will make it to the end.
All we know is that nobody is safe, which makes us fear for the lives of these characters.
Hopefully, the show can continue this trajectory to the end and finish epically. We sure are looking forward to it.

So Fanatics, what did you think of these two episodes?
Are you as excited as we are for the final four hours of Carnival Row? What do you think will happen? Who do you think will die?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments below! Carnival Row airs on Fridays on Amazon Prime Video.