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Chicago Med Season 7 Episode 5 Recap: Change Is A Tough Pill To Swallow

Scott isn't happy that his dad parks in a red zone. His dad puts on his emergency lights. He wants to show him a new system he has for tracking his officers and insists on blowing the siren at him as he leaves.

Hammer is laughing because some guy from med school who was immature about doing breast exams is at a conference. Will insists it was a different guy. Hammer doesn't like him one-upping her (?)

Sharon asks Will how things are going with Cooper but Cooper interrupts. He wants Will to go to a conference where he can meet lots of Vas Com reps. Sharon agrees to let him go and Will says he'll be there. Sharon takes a call but tells Will he is on the right track.

Maggie is concerned when she learns Vanessa came in at 4 AM so she can meet her patients early and know the answers at rounds — is she sleeping? Meanwhile, a new patient comes in for Marcel. The woman loses consciousness. Marcel wants to take her to OR 12 and Dr. Blake says OR 7. She's a transplant surgeon but she wants to take over the case because the patient is her daughter. Marcel tells Archer that's a problem.

Scott sees two kids, the older one of whom has been hit with a Nerf Gun. The younger kid keeps insisting it's not a nerf gun. The mother wants Bryan to be quiet. She sends him away with his father and tells Scott that Bryan has ADHD but his Adderall doesn't work all that well.

Scott asks for someone to give the brother stitches. Vanessa volunteers, concerning Maggie as Vanessa already has two patients. Meanwhile, Scott talks to Charles who says when one kid has an illness the other kid gets ignored — it's called Glass Child Syndrome.

Archer and Marcel try to stop Blake. Sharon comes along and says doctors CANNOT operate on family. Blake tries to pull the "I make a lot of money for the hospital" card but no one is impressed and Sharon gives the surgery to Archer.

Meanwhile, Hammer wants Will to look at a cardiac patient who might be a good candidate for the Vas Com machine. It's an older woman whose husband says she's never been sick a day in her life. Will does a brief exam. Hammer asks Will if he thinks a Vas Com is a good idea.  The Vas Com rep shows up and says she can talk to Hammer about the machine so Will agrees to use it.

Alex has a seizure and there is a lot of blood on his head as if the stitches have not been applied. Vanessa says she didn't want to do stitches until it stopped bleeding because of the risk of subdural hematoma. Scott says Alex may have a bleeding disorder and could have a hematoma. They need to operate NOW.

Blake is allowed to observe and contradicts what Marcel wants to do. Archer agrees with Blake. Marcel tries to argue but Archer won't listen.

Charles comes to see Alex's family and asks if he can get them anything. The father's phone rings and the parents leave. Bryan has his eyes closed and is fidgeting. He gets mad that Charles interrupted him while he was counting.

Meanwhile Scott has Alex's test results. There is bleeding into his brain. He needs surgery and has a bleeding disorder. Vanessa adds that Abrams will be doing the surgery. The parents go to get Bryan and go to another waiting area. Vanessa looks upset and exhausted.

Not much in Eleanor's labs. Will is concerned that her fingers and toes are cold. He thinks the Vas Com might be causing problems. Hammer doesn't understand. The Vas Com has been great. Will says he wants to make sure they're using it appropriately. Hammer thinks they are.

Marcel confronts Archer after the surgery. Archer says the surgery was a success and he has an ED to run. Archer informs him that he needs t to pay his dues so he will be listened to like Blake.

Scott and Charles talk to Alex who is scared the surgery will hurt. He asks when they look in my head will they see my secrets? Scott encourages him to talk. Alex says he made Ryan lose his temper and hit him on purpose. Charles asks if he was hoping his parents would pay more attention to him if he got hurt. Scott tells him it's okay. Charles thinks that Ryan has anxiety, not ADHD.

Eleanor crashes.

Maggie tries to reassure Vanessa that what happened to Alex isn't her fault. Vanessa doesn't like Maggie touching her hand and leaves.

Hammer is angry that Will pulled the Vas Com. She has a list of other reasons Eleanor could have had a stroke. She insists he thinks he knows better than she does about everything.

Marcel goes to see the patient. He says the surgery went well. Blake has ordered ice chips but Avery thinks they're an aspiration risk. She started med school but realized she was doing it for her mom. She's glad she took control of her life from her mom. Marcel says he'll check back later but asks what she does now. She does medical malpractice law. (Archer's nonsense just might come back to bite him if Avery gets worse then.)

Charles talks to the parents and suggests that Ryan does not have ADHD. The father says but he can't sit still. The mother says what about the Adderall? Charles says since it isn't working. The parents are not interested in this while Alex is still in surgery.

Will apologizes. Hammer says no clotting disorder fits Eleanor's symptoms anyway. She mentions lung infiltrates on the left. Will says he though ton the right. Hammer gets mad but Will shows her the X-ray. The lung infiltrates are moving, which is bad news. They need to biopsy ASAP, but Eleanor is getting worse.

Eleanor has tightness in her arm. Hammer says if they're right they need to evacuate fluid now. They don't have time to find out if it's a heart attack or a fluid issue. They decide to go ahead with the draining procedure. It works (whew).

Scott is there when Alex wakes up. The surgery went well (presumably Archer didn't interfere this time.) Scott says the neurosurgeon says Alex had the best brain ever and his parents said they always knew Alex had a great brain.

Avery is having a lot of pain and bleeding. She needs more surgery. Blake comes running in and doesn't want surgery. Archer agrees with Blake again. Marcel tells Blake to back off and does what he thinks is right anyway. She's stable enough to go to the OR. Blake starts issuing orders and Archer looks unhappy.

Ryan is for some reason by himself at the nurses' station. He asks how Alex is. He tells Vanessa he wants to tell Alex he's really sorry. Vanessa isn't supposed to let him see Alex yet but she lets him see him through a window. Ryan freaks out and pushes Vanessa over and runs away.

Ryan is hiding in a corner somewhere and won't come out. Meanwhile, Vanessa thinks it's her fault and wants to apologize to the parents. Charles assures her it wasn't her fault. Charles talks to Ryan who cries he got so mad and he can't control it and he is always getting in trouble. Charles tells him it isn't his fault. He says he gets feelings like that too. He tells him it's helpful to talk about your feelings. Ryan is surprised. He thinks his parents will think he's bad. His parents say they will never think he's bad.  Ryan goes to them and they hug and kiss him. The father asks Charles if he is sure this isn't ADHD. Charles reiterates that the Adderall is making it worse. The father gives him the bottle of pills.

Hammer thinks maybe she and Will work together after all. She goes and Will is smiling. Cooper tells Will that diagnosis was one in a million. He says that Will did the right thing stopping the Vas Com, but now that she's stable he put in another one.  Maybe if Will gets to the conference early enough they could have a drink. He goes and Will looks in on the patient.

Scott gives Alex a big teddy bear and asks Charles what he thinks. Charles thinks the family has made a breakthrough and has work to do. Scott says even in loving families its easy to feel unseen.

Blake is taking care of Avery who is fine now. She refuses to talk to Marcel on her way out.

Maggie encourages Vanessa to get some sleep. She is going to take the Adderall back to the pharmacy. She encourages Vanessa, who is looking at the pills.

Scott goes to see his dad and brings him food. Scott wants to thank him. He smiles when his dad is critical of the amount of sauce on the sandwich.

Marcel is about to go to sleep when he gets a voicemail that Blake wants him to assist on a transplant in half an hour.

Vanessa is trying to study. She has some pills hidden in a Tupperware full of scrubs and takes them.

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