Sharon doesn't like that Charles is spending his day off at the picket line, supporting Liliana. She leaves and Liliana thanks him.
Archer is late to meet his son because of the picket line. Sean is up to his AA step 9 and wants to make amends. Archer says this is all water under the bridge but runs away when Sean mentions his mother.
David comes back to the hospital. He won't let Asher touch him and tells Cuevas he is dead and that it is her fault.
Will sees a patient who has a possible infection. He tells Maggie the trash is overflowing. Maggie talks to a strikebreaker who says he thinks he cleaned it. Will asks how long the strike is going on. Sharon doesn't know. She asks George who says negotiations are ongoing.
An 11-year-old girl is airlfited in. She was injured on her family's farm.
Cuevas finds Charles outside and tells him what's going on with David. Charles temlls Liliana he will be back and goes into the hospital to check on David.
Abby's doctor has come to the hospital in the chopper with Abby. He says the parents are driving up but have given consent. Her leg was caught in a skid steer. Marcel asks why a child was working with dangerous machinery. The man says she was climbing on while her father drove and her leg slipped. Marcel is going to try to save her leg. He wants her taken to 2.0
Archer sees a woman who is throwing up and says she is stressed out about her daughter.
David's parents are glad to see Charles. The parents say David won't eat or drink. David says there's no point. Charles asks what it feels like to be dead. David says his insides are rotting and he hates it. He won't take pills. He hates how they make him feel. Charles asks to talk to the parents privately. David is 18 now so he has a right to refuse meds.
Archer has test results. Deanna has a foreign object in her stomach and needs surgery. She won't let Archer call her daughter.
The man who brought Abby in is impressed by 2.0. Unfortunately, Abby's foot cannot be saved. Marcel says this should not have happened.
Archer calls Cuevas into the regular OR. Deanna has a giant hairball. She has been eating her hair.
The guy who brought Abby in talks to Maggie about her uncle's farm.
The DCFS woman shows up and says Marcel called her. Maggie is sure there was some confusion. She sends Madeline away and goes to find out why Marcel called her.
Marcel is in the middle of an operation. He and Maggie argue about whether this is neglect. Maggie wants Marcel to call off DCFS. He tells her to leave. After she does, Abby's foot seems better.
Will's patient is itchy.
Deanna denies eating her hair and wants Cuevas to leave. She doesn't want them mentioning this to her daughter.
Charles wants to takl to David who doesn't want to do whatever it is he's asking. Charles wants him to hear him out. David says nothing can change that he's dead. Charles agrees. He says he wonders if David can be moved to life after death. He suggests ECT. David says you mean like Frankenstein? Charles says yes. David says he'll consider it.
Deanna's daughter comes in. Archer tells her that her mother is doing well and sends a nurse to take her. Cuevas and Archer have an idea.
Will gets lab results and can't figure out the reason for the rash. Grace of course has an algorithm that can help. She tells him to stick around as it will take only a few seconds. Bubonic Plague is on the list. Will thinks it fits but it's weird. However, there was a case in Sacramento 6 weeks ago. Grace will tell the CDC.
Olivia wants to talk to Archer and Cuevas. She wants to know what happened with her mom and explains she had breast cancer and is doing chemo. So far the cancer hasn't spread.
CDC wants Walter quarantined. Will tells Doris to stay away from the room. Something on her neck is bothering her. Will realizes Doris has a rash too. She says she has not been in Treatment Room 3. It's too soon to have caught it . Will realizes something. He looks in the trash and sends something to Sharon. Sharon shows it to George. They have bedbugs in the hospital as replacement janitors are not doing anything. George says Jack won't give in but he will make sure he understands what's at stake.
Deanna admits she has been eating the hair Olivia has lost.
Charles explains what will happen and starts ECT for David. They give him anesthesia and shock him. It will cause a brief seizure.
Abby's parents finally come. They thank Marcel. Abby tells her father it was her fault. He told her to stay back but she didn't listen and now she can't help. Her parents tell her they have the farm covered.
Marcel tells Madeline he misjudged the decision. She doesn't like him wasting her time (though she didn't mind it when Asher did last week). Maggie tells Marcel it all worked out okay.
David awakens and can't hear voices anymore. His mom cries with joy.
Walter is no longer impressed with the hospital and doesn't care much that his blood sugar is back under control. Sharon tells Will the strike is settled but Will is upset about the patient being upset.
Liliana invites Charles to come with her friends to celebrate. She says he is her boyfriend and has to come.
Sean shows Archer the day room at his rehab. He is not allowed to show his room but says there is time for coffee. Archer says he came by to apologize for running out earlier. He says when Sean was a kid he wanted to get the ex-Mrs. Archer to stop drinking and then Sean started having problems so he checked out and wasn't there for them. He feels he should have tried harder. Sean says you are here now. Archer cries as they hug.