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Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 9 Recap: This Could Be The Start of Something New

Choi catches up with Goodwin, who is about to leave for the dry cleaners to get her dress for his wedding. Choi tells her he and April want to start a mobile clinic and have purchased a vehicle for this purpose. No, not part-time. He is going to start working there full-time after his honeymoon. Sharon realizes he is giving her notice. She asks if he will put the ED out of business. He will try. She is pleased with his desire to do so.

Dr. Charles is at a bar listening to an opera singer. When she finishes, he asks if he knows her. She seems familiar. He's upset when he finds out she cleans his office at the hospital. He is embarrassed not to recognize her but she understands. He's not often there when she is working. She hopes she'll see him at work tomorrow.

Jack Dayton and Marcel demonstrate the OR 2.0. It uses AI to warn the surgeon if they are risking a serious mistake and shows 3D images of the patient's organs upon request. Archer is less than impressed, as he has seen 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Archer asks Choi if it's true he's leaving. Choi tells him it is. Will is called in to see a patient.

Will's patient is a fifth-grade science teacher who hurt himself doing an experiment, but the real story is that he has inoperable pancreatic cancer. His wife is upset that her husband will die.

Archer and some residents see a patient who fell. It's an older man who keeps asking who will rake his leaves. Archer has Charles paged.

Charles is distracted watching the custodial staff. He starts to tell Sharon about the woman last night but runs away when he gets the page.

Will wants Marcel to use the OR 2.0 to do the previously impossible surgery. Marcel thinks it's a bad idea as he is not yet comfortable with the tech. Dayton says his assistant who knows the software will assist.

Charles talks to his patient's daughter. Her mom died of Alzheimer's a year ago and they were high school sweethearts . She is afraid her dad has Alzhiemers too. Charles says it could be depression, grief, etc.  He will talk to the man.

Grant is brought into the hospital. His injury has ruptured and he is bleeding severely again. Maggie looks guilty.

Ethan finds out that April's dad is in the ED. He's having chest pains but insists it's nothing. April and her mom want tests run. Ethan agrees. April asks him if they should postpone the wedding. Ethan thinks they should wait until after the test results come in to decide.

Charles does an unofficial exam. The man has short-term memory loss but is aware his wife has died, who his daughter is (but not her exact age) etc. Charles isn't convinced it's Alzheimers. He offers Jessica referrals for a complete exam.

Marcel finds out Jack has invited people to watch him do the surgery. He doesn't want them here. He's nervous. Jack says the Marcel he knows rushed in to save him and Nathaniel and Marcel needs to have faith in himself.

Charles' patient is discharged, but has a seizure and has to be readmitted.

The tests on April's father are normal. April wonders if it is an anxiety attack. Ethan asks if she's anxious. She says marriage is new for both of them. She's not having doubts. She's just anxious and it's normal.

Marcel begins the surgery. Everyone in the audience claps when he gets some pre-op scans. He gets annoyed when the software tells him his sutures are incorrect as he's done it this way many times.

Archer seems half out of it while discussing a surgical plan for Grant with Asher. He runs off and tells her he's fine and will be back soon.

April's father is discharged but suddenly has another severe chest pain and has to be re-admitted.

Charles does a spinal tap and will be back with results.

Ben comes to deliver the cupcakes. He learns that Maggie is waiting to hear about Grant's surgery. He confronts her about not knowing about the accident and asks if she is having an affair. He doesn't believe her denials.

Marcel speaks with reporters and Dayton is by his side, proud that this operation was previously impossible. Marcel speaks to the doctor Dayton gave him. Why did she override the AI? She says that she had set it to be overly cautious because she had not taken Marcel's skill level into account, but the AI will learn.

Charles has a diagnosis: Paul has autoimmune encephalitis. If he take steroids his symptoms will likely abate.

Ethan also has a diagnosis for April's father. He has a congenital heart defect which causes chest pain and will need surgery to correct it, but it's not urgent  so he can go to the wedding tomorrow. Outside, Ethan admits to April he's also nervous. He's worried she'll think walking away from her practice to work as a mobile health care provider with him is crazy and eventually leave. She won't. She is worried that Ethan will decie marrying her was a mistake. He won't.

Things are not so happy for Maggie. Ben wants time apart now that he knows about this "secret."

Charles tells Sharon he is thinking of asking the singer/janitor out. He thinks it's a bad idea but ultimately asks her and she agrees to have coffee right now.

April and Ethan get married. We are privy to their ring exchange and kiss only.

After they leave, Peter has some bad news: Jack Dayton has now bought a controlling interest in the hospital.

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