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Chicago Med Season 9 Episode 2 Recap: This Town Ain’t Big Enough for the Both of Us

Ben and Maggie are at a mediation session w here they argue about who gets custody of the cat. The mediator tells them not to throw away all their progress. Maggie says this is not working for her and leaves.

Hannah has gotten a wheelchair for Archer. He's not happy about using one but he was the one who made this protocol. He doesn't want to run into anyone but of course he runs into Sharon. There is a new resident waiting. Archer offers to push his surgery back to help vet the new resident. Sharon and Asher talk him out of that.

Sharon interviews Zola who explains she was terminated for "vigilante medicine because she put a patient in a hotel when insurance wouldn't cover. Sharon isn't sure about giving her another chance. She doesn't want to be foisted on anyone. Sharon informs her she will be on probation for the first year. Marcel comes in and Sharon says Zola will work with Marcel today since Archer is not available today.

There is a high spped crash — someone who hit a parked car at 40 MPH. The husband says he was trying to swerve to avoid a pedestrian in the road. The pedestrian is also being brought in.

Zola wants to release the hemostoma. Marcel says not outside the OR. He does a procedure with Zola assisiting to try to clear the patient's airway They are not fully successful. Zola opens the hematoma against Marcel's orders. It works. Marcel isn't too happy but seems to let it go.

Charles literally runs into Ripley. He wants him to know they're colelagues and he's not going to be looking over his shoulder all the time. Ripley says he's running late and doesn't want to talk.

Archer talks to Sean, who says his mother is okay with this. Dr. Cameron shows up and says labs are looking good, if anyone wants to pull the rip cord, now is the time. He will se Sean in the OR in 5.

Marcel tells the patient his wife is going to be okay. Marcel tells Zola not to m ake a habit of disobeying orders. Anyway, the pedestrian is an immigrant who doesn't speak English. He has some sort of infection. Zola says she will take care of this. Zac says the man wants them to call the cops but he doesn't know why.

Ripley shows some residents how to do something. Tanaka-Reid approaches him and says that a patient has metastatic lung cancer. She tells Ripley that she knows she's dying.  She says she hopes she lives long enough to see her tomatoes. (Could something in the fertilizer/garden spray be causing her symptoms?"

Zola shows Marcel a CT scan image and thinks they should get an MRI. The husband asks when his wife will wake up. Zola says they need to do an MRI while she's still asleep. The cops come and Mr. Martin says the pedestrian is an illegal immigrant. The cop tells Marcel that she is the immigrant's official contact. Their city is giving shelter to migrants from Venezuela and taking care of them.

Sharon is on hold. She asks how mediation went. Maggie says she got gaslit. Could she get a divorce lawyer referral from Sharon? Sharon says okay but if you sleep on it. Maggie says Ben is the one who pulled the plug.

A woman comes in. She says she's Sean's mother and she needs to see him right away. Is she too late?

The woman is upset that they "crippled" her son by taking his kidney. She accuses Dean of messing with their son. She says he ghosted Sean for over a decade. Did you do this to get his kidney? She accuses Archer of sleeping with Asher and says she's not letting this happen.

Alison's sister shows up and says there was an advanced directive they just drew up a few days ago. Alison can't have intubation. Ripley says we'll deal with that in a minute. Ripley says he thinks she was poisoned by a fungus in the greenhouse. Her sister says you're just an ED doctor and she wants to speak to his supervisor. Charles is the only one around.

SHaron asked Peter if Leanne can really stop the transplant. Peter says that she can file a baseless lawsuit. Archer says that he doesn't want the kidney if Leanne doesn't want him to do it. Cameron says in 90 minutes they have to put the kidney back in Sean.

Ripley asks if Charles will really do this. Charles says they have to follow the AD. Ripley says but the DNI was under false premises. Charles says I'm not the one you have to convince. Charles suggests Ripley focus more on the woman's feelings and less on how he's right.

Zola and Zac talk about their patient. His labs are concerning. Zola asks about insect bites and has Doris ask him some questions in Spanish. She learns there are ten immigrants housed with him. Marcel and Sharon are not available so she decides to go check things out.

Archer tries to convince Leanne this is harmful to Sean but she won't listen. He tells Asher he does want the kidney but Leanne… Asher says this is Leanne trying to hurt him. Archer says but Sean will not be able to have a relationship with his mother if he goes through with this. Asher tells him to be more like the selfish jerk he used to be.

Mr. Martin complains that his wife has been waiting forever. Zola shows up and Marcel says she didn't have permisison to leave. He tells Zola this is the last warning. Mr. Martin overhears the whole exchange.

Ripley tries again to talk to Neva. This time he's a lot more empathetic. Neva says he and Alison are both bullheaded. He asks if she will listen if he lessens the sedation so Alison can talk directly.

Maggie argues with Ben on the phone. Asher comes in and says Leanne won't talk to her. She says that Maggie doesn't understand. Leanne is so angry and resentful about the divorce and doesn't see it. She leaves and Maggie looks pensive.

Neva can talk to Alison but Alison doesn't have full awareness.  Ripley asks for a thumbs up if she agrees to the procedure. Alison moves her thumb.

Mr. Martin complains that immigrants have caused the volleyball team at his daughte's school. He seems rather racist. In any event he tries to stop the orderlies from moving his wife and punches Zola. He is arrested and Zola claims she's fine when she clearly isn't.

The biopsy shows that Ripley was right. He says they are putting her on anti-fungal meds. We'll see if she responds. Neva is upset and hugs Dr. Ripley.

Charles prises Ripley, who says it was just a lucky hunch. He admits Charles helped him get out of his own head. He thanks him and leaves.

Sharon tells Marcel this is going on all over Chicago. She asks Zola if she thinks Martin is dangerous. She also asks why she left in the middle of her shift. Zola says sometimes her brain sezies on an idea and she can't slow herself down. Marcel tells Sharon his opinion of Zola is not good.

Magie sits down with Leanne. She empathize with her by talking about her own divorce. She asks how she and Dean met? Maggie tells Leanne how Ben is so sweet and she loves him so much. LEanne recalls that when she was pregnant she stepped on a cactus and Dean spent five hours removing needles from her foot with tweezers and glue. Maggie says she is not blameless in her divorce. Leanne admits her too.

Neve asks Charles to meet her sister. Alison asks how to thank them. She says she doesn't remember giving a thumbs up. Charles looks concerned.

Sharon tells Marcel that Zola's diagnosis was correct. Also the MRI says that Sheryl Martin has a sarcoma in her lymph nodes. Zola volunteers to tell Mr. Martin.

Marcel comments to Sharon that Zola is like Will — is she sure she wants that?

Archer wants to thank Leanne but she won't come in.

Charles confronts Ripley and warns him he almost lost his license doing the same kind of thing Ripley did.

Maggie goes to see Ben. She says he was right about earlier.  She has the cat for him.  He invites her in but she wants to move on.

Charles is leaving and sees Ripley jogging.

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