Upton reports a neighbor saw Matson with Voight and thought he was another cop. No signs of blood etc. Phone and gun on the floor. How did Matson get to him?
Matson's wife is uncooperative and Rusek has to threaten her with arrest. His daughter says Dad forgot he was supposed to watch her and took things from the garage.
Wife is lawyered up and they can't question Lucy further. CCTV from a traffic cam shows a gray sedan that is likely stolen.
Voight awakens half out of it. He sees a blurry version of Matson. Matson shines a flashlight at him.
CCTV shows the driver is male but they can't see details. Petrovitch says this is too easy. Hailey disagrees. ADA shows up and asks how she can help. No time for a warrant, they'll ask for forgiveness later.
Voight asks Matson what he did to him, seeming suddenly sober. Ibrium. He spiked the drink. Wasn't elegant but he had limited time. Voight assumes he is dying now. Nope, not yet. He gets one call. Voight asks him who he thinks he's gonna call. Matson says they call Voight a lone wolf and he is interesting to watch, his favorite. But the more he watched, the more he saw he wasn't really. There was someone who looks at him like a father. VOight says he's not calling anyone. Matson takes out a knife. and stabs him. Everyone makes the call eventually. You're going to call Hailey.
Upton, Atwater, and Petrovitch find the gray car and break into it. No one and nothing there.
Voight is gasping for breath, Matson asks if he's ready to call? THe cops break into a place.
Voight stays calm. Do you get off on watching me bleed? My team will kill you soon.
The cops raid somewhere or other and noe's seen Voight and Matson. The people they catch seem high and don't seem to know anything. The suspects complain about their rights. Petrovitch tells Upton to chil and leave the suspects alone. Hailey insists she's fine. THis is obviously a bad lead.
Upton is not interest ed in Petrovitch's trying to get her to calm down. Voight will die. Petrovitch says we know Matson, so take a breath and use it. We will find Voight.
Matson doesn't know why he enjoys killing people. He had eveyrthing but felt nothing. But this makes him feel alive. He'll feel something when he kills Voight and Hailey. Voight says he will feel nothing cause she's not coming. Matson says Hailey is broken and unhappy but loves Voight. He says she is not coming. Matson torments Voight more and says you don't get to move. YOu are not to die yet.
Turns out the gray sedan was a red herring — the owner's son stole the car to go get high. They need a new lead. Atwater says let's tap and trace all our phones so when he calls we can find him. He will use a burner not related to him. Platt says they can work this.
Voight is busy having a flashback of Upton saying she's not him and how she can't live with shooting a perp.
Burgess has some leads. No other gray sedans have popped. Tap and traces up on ten burner phones. Emergency warrants on all of them. The ADA has used every favor she got. PEtrovitch is sure he will make Voight make the call because he has to use the same MO. Torres finds three burners that are on in three abandoned locations. THey argue about whether these are real or phony to waste time.
Upton says let's do it all so he can't get ahead. Petrovitch and Hailey split up at one of the locations. Three shots on the west side. Petrovitch calls for backup. There's another shot. Petrovitch is moving west. Hailey finds a phone. Petrovitch says it's a trap. Upton is going in anyway. She finds the car. Petreovitch says to get out of there. Matson jumps out of the car. He won't drop his weapon. He says if she shoots him she'll enver find Voight. He says he'll take her to Voight if she comes with him and throws her zipties. She's not going anywhere. Tell her where he is. He doubts she'll shoot. He wants her.
Voight is hallucinating and sees Alvin who asks what he's gotten into. Voight asks if this is what death felt like. Alvin isays "she's not." There's more. He doesn't get to die yet. He disappears.
Voight grunts and struggles.
Hailey has for some reason surrendered and is tied up in the trunk. Matson takes her out and tells her to walk to the door. VOight has a flashback of her. Hailey tries to get Matso to free her hands. As he opens the dor she attacks him with her tied hands. They fight Hailey ducks as he grabs the gun but she gets through the door and barricades it against him She groans with pain as she runs through the house screaming for Voight. She finds an entrance to the basement. Voight says no no, no. Hailey unties him.
Voight is upset. Why would Upton risk her life for him? You think I would want this? No dad would want this! There is a bang on the door.and footsteps. Voight says help me. They get against the dooor. They attack Matson but Hailey gets shot. She somehow gets Voight to stop beating up Matson. Voight collapses. He realizes she's shot. She says she's okay. She calls for help and tells Platt to find them. She and Voight both collapse. Matson is dead.
Rusek and Atwater find them.
The doctor says Hailey is encouraged to stay another day but she doesn't have to.
She goes to see Voight. He's ready to go home.
At home Voight thanks Hailey for finding him. She asks him about saying he's her dad. He doesn't remember it. She says he wasn't all there. He says Matson was telling him things. Is he bad for her? She says what? Don't listen to Matson. However she says she came messed up in the first place and that's why she became a cop. She doesn't want to be affected by her childhood. Voight asks her what she wants. She wants to feel better. She wants to start over. Voight asks if she wants to leave. She doesn't want to leave him or the team. He promises she can't lose them. But maybe she wants something more, different. He thinks she should go for it. She can't lose him. She worries there isn't more or she doesn't deserve it He says there is and she does. They hug.
Hailey looks at the FBI website and takes a cab to the airport.