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Dynasty Season 4 Episode 5 Recap: New Hopes, New Beginnings

Fallon sets out to make sure she is the leader of the family.

She tells everyone to stay out of her way and she'll fix things. She starts in a troubling way after fighting with a kid.

As investors start pulling out, she finds a way to manipulate them.

In the end, she gets the deal, but it's all thanks to the way she speaks at a meeting about the business.

Monica returns when her grandmother dies and she reconnects with her mother and brother.

They all start a process of healing, but it seems to be tethered to Fallon's success.

Culhane works with Sam to take Dawkins down, and it results in Sam in a suite with Dawkins trying to get the money.

In the end, Culhane gets the upper hand and records Dawkins making a bribe.

He tells him to nix his plan or he will tell everyone.

Sam stars to ponder his future with his boyfriend after he realizes that he's been to pushy with the gifts.

Adam complains that he does great work and that Fallon is intent on taking away from that, creating a bigger wedge than before between the siblings.

Fallon doesn't seem concerned about it.

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