What. The. Hell. Just. Happened?
FROM Season 2 Episode 10 was one for the books, folks. Boyd finally stopped the damn music, and the cicadas returned to their caves. AND TABITHA WAS PUSHED OUT OF A LIGHTHOUSE AND ENDED UP IN THE REAL WORLD!
That is obviously a major spoiler alert, but you absolutely can not talk about this hour without starting at the end because what in the world does this all mean?

FROM has never been predictable because it's nearly impossible to know where things will go at any moment. You can have your theories and make predictions, but they're crafting a complex and fascinating story with twists and turns you can't possibly predict.
Tabitha's journey during FROM Season 2 started with her and Victor in the tunnels, racing against the clock to get out of there before the monsters woke up and ate them for breakfast.

Throughout the season, she repeatedly saw those creepy children, and unsure of what anything meant, she leaned a lot on Victor to help her try and parse things together. Because in that town, visions are typically more than random.
Everything means something, but it's difficult to figure out what when you need more information.
Eloise's picture and Victor's words were two tangible things that Tabitha could hold on to, and while it was a shaky premise at best, it was something. And with how quickly the town was deteriorating, you couldn't blame Tabitha for wanting to do something more than sit by and pray for a miracle.
So often on FROM, it feels like people make these big decisions without saying much, but I appreciated that Tabitha actually talked to Jim about what she was doing before she did it.
When the series started, Jim and Tabitha were as far apart as a couple could be, but this awful situation has brought them closer together. It's strengthened their communication for the better, at least in that they want to communicate with each other.

It's wild the way everything played out from the minute Tabitha asked Victor how she might be able to get to the lighthouse. Victor had suppressed so much from his childhood as a coping mechanism, but once he tapped back into his memories, with the added help of the pictures, he was as helpful as ever.
We've seen the bottle tree before during Boyd and Sara's forest adventures during FROM Season 1 Episode 9, and it's still as gorgeous as it was before. But now we know it's a faraway tree, a special one at that, and with little fanfare or fear, Tabitha hops right on in.
The town continues to show them how unrelentingly horrific it can be, but once in a while, people are so tired and at their wits end that they just propel themselves into the unknown on the off-chance that maybe something positive will happen.
For Tabitha, something positive did happen, and she came face-to-face with the lighthouse.
That phrase the children repeatedly say clearly means something and will probably come into play later, but for now, it's just an odd chant that's as creepy as the children themselves.

I don't know what I expected when Tabitha reached the tower's top. Perhaps the creepy children would pop out and tell her something important. Or maybe she'd stumble upon another clue she could take back.
The boy in white pushing her out the window was not on my bingo list.
The boy in white continued to be a helpful presence here if that's how you choose to look at it. He apologized for sending her flailing, but it sounded like he did it to save her from herself.
My guess? She wasn't supposed to be there, and essentially kicking her back into the real world was better than the fate she would have met had she stayed in that tower a second longer.
It's almost like the boy in white can only do so much or something once you piece enough things together because it's not as if he's willingly offering information, but instead, he shows up right when you need him.

Tabitha's naturally horrified when she wakes up because she's left her whole family in that godforsaken town, and she has no idea how to get to or reach them. You can't even be happy about quality medical care or a bustling city with restaurants and electricity when you realize how messed up it all is.
FROM has yet to be renewed for a season 3, but there is no way they can leave us on a cliffhanger like that!
Tabitha: Jim. I have to try this. I have to at least try.
🔗 permalink: Jim. I have to try this. I have to at least try.
I would have guessed we would have to go through the entire series before anyone sniffed civilization again, and here we have this mother at her wit's end, so desperate to save her family that she ends up alone and away from them back in the world she's been searching for.
Talk about the angst and the drama! We deserve to see this play out next season!
We also deserve to see how the Matthews and the town react to what will presumably be Tabitha's long-term absence.

The finale was a rather bleak affair overall because there was only so long everyone could stay awake.
There was much chatting about it potentially being their last day, yet the mood wasn't nearly as doom and gloom as you'd imagine.
Boyd was, as always, struck with the idea of going back into the woods, which I'd been screaming for! Utilizing Sara as basically a proxy to the other side was a nice way of showcasing how valuable Sara can be when push comes to shove.
No one understood why Boyd spared Sara and lied about it, but Kenny saw firsthand what sets her apart. She wasn't in that clearing for more than a few seconds before she heard things and broke it all down for them.
The music box had to go!

The idea that "it" was out there laughing at Boyd cruelly was a way to reiterate just how scary the town can be. Martin warned Boyd about the monsters just being the tip of the iceberg, and Boyd saw that in real time.
Everyone would die if Boyd didn't figure out how to get back to that original room, and it was sweet that the answer came to him not during a moment of stress but during a moment of peace.
Finding light in the darkness is a phrase you often hear, and it made a lot of sense that the key to getting back to that dark place was lighting that torch. It was a tangible piece Boyd got from that room, after all.
I felt bad for Reggie until he killed that poor man. He went through something horrific, and he's traumatized and scared and not thinking clearly, but it didn't even seem like he wanted to kill Boyd, but he just tried to anyway?
It was a bizarre little moment, though if anything, it was just another voice to the belief that Boyd was to blame for what was happening.

And technically, he was, but like everything else, it wasn't exactly cut and dry. In hindsight, should he have listened to Martin and left him to die? Sure. But he was trying to do the right thing, which Boyd always tries to do.
Boyd is many things, but one thing he's not is a quitter. And he sure as hell isn't someone who will roll over and die.
Boyd: You don’t break me. You hear that! You don’t fucking break me.
🔗 permalink: You don’t break me. You hear that! You don’t fucking break me.
Harold Perrineau is a phenomenal actor, an A-lister, and the perfect Boyd. You can give him a page of dialogue and let him go to work.
When Boyd finally got into that room, the music box within his grasp, "it," threw one last curveball at him in the form of the love of his life. Perrineau played the scene so well, a look of pain, doubt, and longing clouding his features.
Boyd's whole existence seems to be one of hope. Even in his darkest moments, it's still under the surface because what do you have without hope?

The idea that hope is harmful is such an exciting thing to explore, and WHEN we get that season 3, hopefully, the series will come back to that and whether or not it's hope more than fear that feeds the beast.
Once Boyd destroyed the music box, everything essentially returned to normal, as most of us suspected. The music had to be destroyed, and the monster was put back in the box. But it's not as if the terror is over.
They can go to sleep, but they still can't leave, and they still can't go outside.
They beat one demon, but another still creeps in the shadows.
Maybe Jade's foray into the tunnel and seeing the children and the symbol will spark more exploration and answers.

And maybe more people will finally be put onto the faraway trees and start making some moves.
There are so many maybes and still so much story to tell. And we certainly deserve to see this quest through to the end.
Loose Ends
- People have been skeptical of Victor, but it's safe to say after twenty episodes that he's really just a kind soul who tries to look out for people. He's seen some things, and he's terrified of history repeating itself.
- Victor packing his beloved lunch box to give to Tabitha was such a beautiful moment. He sees so much of his mother in Tabitha, and it's been lovely to see the bond they've formed over the season.

- Kenny has had a ROUGH season, but if it really was the end, it was nice to see him get a moment with Kristi. And for as angry as he's been, he had such a positive spin on the why of it all.
- I'll admit I cried like a baby during Ellis and Fatima's wedding. Boyd walking Fatima down the aisle. THE VOWS. It was such a beautiful moment between two people who found something special in the middle of a nightmare.
- One of the best developments of the season was the relationship between Boyd and Donna. Thinking of where they began on FROM Season 1 Episode 1 to where they are now, confiding in one another and being a safe place, it's been lovely to witness.
- Tom died a hero, and he came back to give Jade a much-needed push in the right direction. Tom deserved better!
- Now, what are they going to do with Randall?

It's so hard to say goodbye to FROM! This season has been epic on every level, and it's been so much fun to theorize, yell, and scream about the little horror show that could!
The audience has grown, and the buzz has only gotten louder!
Drop all your comments below one last time this season, and let me know what noise you made when Tabitha woke up in that hospital. Mine was a very loud AHHH!
Until next time, FROM fanatics! Sleep with your talisman nearby.