Drunken Daniel

Betty goes to pick up a very drunken Daniel at the salsa club. He didn't take Sofia's rejection very well.

The Suarezes Say Goodbye to Leah

The Suarez family goes to say goodbye to Leah when Betty asks her about her client she ripped off. Leah no longer wants to represent Ignacio after the accusation.

Walter and Betty at Thanksgiving

Walter and Betty are looking very unhappy at the Thanksgiving dinner. Tensions are a little high between Hilda and Betty right now.

Sofia Comforts Betty

Sofia comforts Betty in the bathroom after Betty is told by Daniel he can't use her hotel piece. Don't worry, Sofia will use it for her magazine instead.

Betty and Her We Bagel

Betty brings Daniel a wet bagel to Daniel after getting her book signed by Sofia Reyes. Betty might want to get him a new bagel. Just saying.

Betty Brings Walter a Cheeseburger

Betty comes back from her hotel room a little early to bring Walter the cheeseburger from their dinner. Maybe she's not who she's pretending to be.

Betty in Her Suite

Betty sits all alone in her hotel suite as she does her review. Hotels are a lot more fun with someone else, eh?

Betty Enjoys an Appetizer

Good old regular Betty tries to enjoy her fancy appetizer at her three star restaurant. She has no idea what she's in for.

Betty and Walter at Dinner

Betty, dressed in a prom dress, and Walter, in a dress shirt, are told they're too late for their reservation. What's that? You're with Mode? Right this way!

Betty Trapped in a Chair

Betty hilariously gets trapped in a chair in the hotel lobby when she goes to check in to do her review.

Betty and Hilda are Sad

Betty and Hilda are a little sad dealing with their father's immigration issues and his secrecy about a picture of their mom and another man.

Ignacio Loves Halloween

Ignacio seems to really love Halloween and dressed up as a vampire. Looks like Ignacio is giving Betty a little scare.

Ugly Betty Quotes

You know exactly what [Whilemnia] is up to. Firing, scheming, looking for a puppy to kick.


Betty: Does every spread have to be women in skimpy bras?
Daniel: You're right, I haven't thought of that. Let's lose those bras please.