Hold Me Back!

Dean has to be held back in this scene from Supernatural. It's taken from the episode "Abandon All Hope."

From The Real Ghostbusters

Sam and Dean attend a fan convention on the episode "The Real Ghostbusters. An adventure ensues.

Supernatural Studs

Seen here, in this scene from The Real Ghostbusters: Jensen Ackles as Dean and Jared Padalecki as Sam.

Dean and Trickster

Pictured in this photo: Jensen Ackles as Dean and Richard Speight Jr. as Trickster.

Changing Channels Scene

This is a scene from "Changing Channels." During this episode, Sam and Dean are trapped inside various TV shows.

As Doctors

Sam and Dean as doctors? We don't want them operating on us!

From The Curious Case Of Dean Winchester

Dean gets involved with Bobby during the episode "The Curious Case Of Dean Winchester." Strange developments occur from there.

Dangerous Poker

There's a dangerous game of poker played on the episode "The Curious Case Of Dean Winchester." Dean gets involved in it.

Supernatural Scene

Dean and Sam disagree over a child that can turn fairy tales into reality. This is a shot from "I Believe the Children Are Our Future."

Sam and Dean Photo

Sam and Dean run into their worst enemy yet on the episode "Fallen Idol." Paris Hilton guest stars!

In The End

During the episode "The End," Dean Winchester sees the future. It's one that Lucifer's influence is all over.

Making a Run for It

Why is Dean on the run? Because the future he's a part of during the episode "The End" is downright scary.

Supernatural Quotes

Boy, three bedrooms, two baths, and one homicide. This place is going to sell like hotcakes.


Dean: Do I know you?
Becky: No, but I know you.