Poor Ethel. The past drama with Chuck messed with her mind, but at least with the changing news, hopefully things have turned out better for her since we last saw her.

Photo Credit:
Diyah Pera/The CW Network
The CW
Riverdale Season 1 Episode 9: "Chapter Nine: La Grande Illusion"
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Riverdale Season 1 Episode 9 Quotes

Archie: Val! Wait...you were right about being bought and taking shortcuts. After last night, I'm done with the Blossoms.
Valerie: Archie, I'm done with you. Ever since we've started dating, you've ignored me. You've ditched me.
Archie: Val, please! Let me make it up to you.
Valerie: Sorry, Archie, but unlike you, I won't be bought.
[Puts in earbuds and runs off]

Betty: Mom...Archie, he talked to Polly. She's okay, Mom. She didn't choose the Blossoms over us, she's actually there to spy on them.
[Sniffles and drinks]
Alice: You know, when I went after this story, I thought in the back of my mind, "What if..what if this is finally the time she doesn't come back?"
Betty: She will, Mom! Right now, she's our woman on the inside. We're going to write this story.
Jughead: Come write with us at the Blue and Gold.
Alice: The school newspaper?!
Jughead: Yea, it's what we are, but I'm pretty sure our annual operating budget is bigger than the Register's.