Cheers - All American Season 1 Episode 11

Spencer isn't the only one trying to earn himself a college scholarship. Jordan is schmoozing as well. Are they toasting to an agreement? If so, good for Jordan!

Schmoozing - All American Season 1 Episode 11

Spencer is schmoozing with those recruiters at the party. After that terrible reporter printed a nasty article about him, he has his chance to show his true personality and work ethic.

Envelope - All American Season 1 Episode 11

Maybe the conversation Billy had with that other coach went well. Is there a scholarship offer in that envelope? Something tells us Spencer is going to have plenty of options when the time comes to choose a college.

Talking Up Spencer - All American Season 1 Episode 11

Billy approaches another coach at the buffet table. We're assuming he's planning to talk up Spencer and Jordan in hopes of getting them scholarships.

Spencer and Jordan - All American Season 1 Episode 11

Spencer and Jordan look ready for a fight. Is there trouble brewing at school? Is this related to the recruiting event?

Mom Encouragement - All American Season 1 Episode 11

Grace is always available to help put things in perspective for Spencer. Perhaps she's giving him a pep talk before he meets with the recruiters.

Angry Coach - All American Season 1 Episode 11

Billy looks angry at Spencer, probably because he's allowing his former teammates to distract him in front of the recruiters. He better get his act together before he hurts his chances of getting into a good college!

Chris and Jordan - All American Season 1 Episode 11

Along with Cameron, Chris is also in attendance for the recruiting event. He and Jordan are getting some face time with one of the recruiters. What's in the envelope?

Former Teammates - All American Season 1 Episode 11

Some of Spencer's former Crenshaw teammates show up for the recruiting event, including Cameron who is hanging out at the water cooler with Spencer and Jordan. They don't look too happy to see each other.

Shirtless - All American Season 1 Episode 11

Spencer is showing off more than just his skills on the football field. He's showing off those strong muscles too! Billy looks like he's bringing him a shirt to put on though.

Watching Closely - All American Season 1 Episode 11

Billy and one of the recruiters watches closely as the players show what they can do. Hopefully the extra pressure doesn't get to them!

Recruiting Event - All American Season 1 Episode 11

The guys are working hard and showing off their stuff at a recruiting event. They need to look good for those college coaches!

All American Season 1 Quotes

Spencer: What the hell are you doing?
Jordan: I'm picking you up.
Spencer: In your red car, in your red hat? You're like a Bloods poster board man, you're gonna get your head blown off! [laughs] I'm just playing. I'm just playing.

Billy: Take it from me, my experience. Every player out there is just one injury away from needing a backup plan.
Spencer: I appreciate the offer Coach, but I don't need a backup. This is where I belong.