Extreme Measures - American Crime

Terri isn't happy to learn that Michael is going to extremes on the tenth episode of the American Crime's second season.

Aftermath of a Murder - American Crime

The community is forced to reexamine their choices after a murder on the ninth episode of the American Crime's second season.

On the Line - American Crime

Leslie finds that her job is on the line on the eighth episode of American Crime's second season.

Medical Records - American Crime

Anne's private medical records are posted online on the seventh episode of American Crime's second season.

Defying the Lawyers - American Crime

Leslie decides to defy the attorneys and bring Eric back to Leyland on the sixth episode of the second season of American Crime.

Aftermath - American Crime

Marshall high school,deals with the aftermath on the fifth episode of the second season of American Crime.

Back to School - American Crime

Taylor tries to get back into a normal life by going back to high school on the fourth episode of American Crime's second season.

Questions Arise - American Crime

More questions arise concerning what really happened on the night of the alleged assault on Taylor on the third episode of the second season of American Crime.

Getting Ahead of the Investigation - American Crime

Leslie's goal is to get ahead of the upcoming investigation on the second episode of the second season of American Crime.

Coach - American Crime

The basketball coach tries to keep his team together when one player accuses others of assault on the second season of American Crime.

American Crime Season 2 Quotes

Here's the notice of his suspension, we don't play favorites. Every student is teated equally. I understand Ms. Blaine may feel otherwise, but we've done all that we can.


No one was singled out.
