The Snow Globe - Cruel Summer Season 1 Episode 10

The only piece of evidence that could work against Jeanette is the snow globe she stole from Martin Harris. Will the evidence work against her?

Innocent Until Proven Guilty - Cruel Summer Season 1 Episode 10

Jeanette Turner has dealt with the world coming for her as a villain. Will the trial prove her innocence once and for all?

Troubled Romance - Cruel Summer Season 1 Episode 10

Will the truth of Kate's past affair with Martin Harris come to light? The grooming could be used against her.

The Trial - Cruel Summer Season 1 Episode 10

After months of rumors and accusations, Kate Wallis and Jeanette Turner have made their way to the trial.

Reliving The Past - Cruel Summer Season 1 Episode 10

Kate Wallis has taken to the past in her quest to find out the truth for her court case. Has she discovered the smoking gun?

Day in Court - Cruel Summer

Kate and Jeanette's day in court arrives on Cruel Summer. "Hostile Witness" is the tenth episode of the show's first season.

Hidden Secret - Cruel Summer Season 1 Episode 9

Martin Harris is pretending that he doesn't know what happened to Kate Wallis, but he'll do anything to keep the truth hidden.

The Monster Within - Cruel Summer Season 1 Episode 9

Evil is hiding behind Martin Harris' eyes. He's up to no good by holding Kate Wallis a prisoner in his home.

Trick or Treat - Cruel Summer Season 1 Episode 9

Skylin looks to be up to some spooky festivities and Martin is getting ready for the big day in town.

Fragmented Memories - Cruel Summer

Kate's fragmented memories are returning on Cruel Summer. "A Secret Of My Own" is the ninth episode of the show's first season.

No Looking Back - Cruel Summer Season 1 Episode 8

Too much has happened between Jamie and Jeanette for them ever to get back together. The past has ruined everything between them.

Downward Spiral - Cruel Summer Season 1 Episode 8

Jamie's life has hit a few roadblocks ever since he ended things with Jeanette and Kate broke up with him.

Cruel Summer Season 1 Quotes

Jeanette: Mallory, I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m here. I’ve been here. You can say that I pulled away from you, but you pulled away from me too. So, I don’t understand where all this rage is coming from, but if you want to talk, you know where to find me.
[Jeanette gives Mallory a hug]
Mallory: God, you sound just like her.

Jeanette Turner, I hope you rot in hell.
