Dexter Series Finale Scene

Dexter comforts Deb in this scene from the series finale. It wasn't very good, most viewers agreed.
Rating: 4.0 / 5.0

Angel Batista Picture

Angel Batista is a genuinely good person. We were happy for him when he was promoted to Sergeant in the Miami police department.
Rating: 3.8 / 5.0

Dexter as a Lumberjack

Dexter closed its run with the title character looking very different. He's a lumberjack now.
Rating: 3.5 / 5.0

Dex and Harry

Dexter and Harry in the Season 7 finale of the Showtime hit.
Rating: 3.0 / 5.0

Angel and Gianna

We're so happy for Angel. He's found true love on Dexter, courtesy of Detective Gianna.
Rating: 3.0 / 5.0

Mr. Morgan

Dexter doesn't just deal with Rita's death on season five. He deals with a new character by the name of Lumen.
Rating: 3.0 / 5.0

Dexter and Dad

Dexter has serious daddy issues. You would, too, if you shared this character's family history.
Rating: 3.0 / 5.0

Deb vs. LaGuerta

Deb squares off here against LaGuerta. It's a scene from the Dexter Season 7 finale.
Rating: 3.0 / 5.0

Dexter and Deb

Dexter and Deb will spend more time together than ever on season five of Dexter. That's because they team up to raise Dexter and Rita's kids.
Rating: 3.0 / 5.0

Miami PD at Work

Deb looks on while Dexter and Angel go to work in this scene from Dexter. It's courtesy of Season 7.
Rating: 3.0 / 5.0

Deb Morgan Photo

Deb is obviously back as the fourth season of Dexter returns. Her love life, as always, is a mess.
Rating: 2.7 / 5.0

Miami Detectives

The gang is back for season four of Dexter. Seen here, Laguerta, Angel and Quinn ponder a case.
Rating: 2.0 / 5.0

Dexter Quotes

The only real question I have is why in a building full of cops, all supposedly with a keen insight to the human soul, is Doakes the only one who gets the creep from me.

Dexter Morgan

I think this is a friendly message like, "Hey! wanna play?" and yes I wanna play. I really really do.

Dexter Morgan