Trinity Killer Photo

This is the Trinity Killer. Call us crazy, but we don't trust the guy one bit.
Rating: Unrated

Dex and Dad

Dexter often receives guidance from his father, Harry. They are just visions, of course.
Rating: Unrated

Dexter and Quinn

Dexter and Quinn don't get along. The latter would be best served just leaving it alone.
Rating: Unrated

On the Crime Scene

Well, well, well, what do we have here? Miami's top cops and blood experts are on the case.
Rating: Unrated


What is Trinity up to? He takes Dexter along for a road trip on the episode "Road Kill."
Rating: Unrated

An Odd Relationship

What does Dexter desire from Trinity? Both revenge and a bit of advice on how to live his life.
Rating: Unrated

Killer Investigation

Dexter does some research in his lab. Secret research he doesn't want the department to know about, that is.
Rating: Unrated

Arthur and Christine

Trinity comforts his daughter in this scene from Dexter, soon after he learns that she knows exactly who he is.
Rating: Unrated

Dad and Dex

Sometimes, it's best to listen to your father. Dexter should have killed Arthur Mitchell soon after he met him.
Rating: Unrated

Dex and Son

Dexter is actually a pretty good father to Harrison. We do worry about the lessons he may impart on his son, though.
Rating: Unrated

Harrison's Nanny

Dexter hires a nanny on episode three of season five. She seems to be great with Harrison.
Rating: Unrated

An Unwanted Partner

Dexter has a lot to teach Lumen on season five. He doesn't really want a co-conspirator, but he's stuck with one.
Rating: Unrated

Dexter Quotes

The only real question I have is why in a building full of cops, all supposedly with a keen insight to the human soul, is Doakes the only one who gets the creep from me.

Dexter Morgan

I think this is a friendly message like, "Hey! wanna play?" and yes I wanna play. I really really do.

Dexter Morgan