Dexter: Original Sin: Can The Christian Slater Spinoff Atone For Its Predecessors' Misdeeds?

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Big news for fans of serial killers with hearts of gold:

A Dexter prequel series titled Dexter: Original Sin has been in development for some time, and earlier today, Showtime revealed the three talented stars who will portray the main members of the troubled Morgan family.

Irish actor Patrick Gibson -- best known for his work in period pieces like The Tudors and Shadow and Bone -- will be stepping into Michael C. Hall's shoes as the titular blood spatter analyst.

Dexter Looks Shifty

The role of Dexter's straightlaced sister Deb will be played by Molly Brown, and Christian Slater will portray the siblings' dad, Harry Morgan.

Original showrunner Clyde Phillips will return for the 10-episode prequel series.

The show is currently being framed as a limited series, but you know how these things go.

Dexter Prequel Heads to Showtime

If it's a hit, it'll be renewed. Network execs love this low-risk, low-commitment appoach to new projects!

For example, 2021's Dexter: New Blood was originally announced as a standalone limited series.

But Showtime revealed in 2023 that the show will be returning for a second season, this one focusing on Dexter's son, Harrison.

Patrick Gibson Joins Dexter: Original Sin

If you're thinking the Dexter brand is in danger of being badly diluted, you're not alone.

The original series is up there with Game of Thrones and How I Met Your Mother on the list of shows with infuriating finales.

Now, Showtime has doubled- and tripled-down not only on the Dexter-verse, but also on the show's divisive original showrunner.

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Philips helmed the first four seasons of Dexter, which are considered by some Dexter diehards to be the best of the series.

But there are many who think the signs of unevenness began well before Phillips' departure.

And some of those folks believe that Dexter Season 5, the first without Phillips, was the strongest in the show's entire run.

Molly Brown Joins Dexter: Original Sin

But pretty much everyone agrees that Season 8 was an abomination that never should've happened.

That said, the franchise bounced back a bit with New Blood.

Many critics felt that the spinoff was a much-needed return to the moral ambiguity and psychological complexity that made the original series so compelling.

But there were others who felt that the damage from the original finale was irreparable, and it's impossible for Phillips and company to recapture the magic.

Like Breaking Bad and other shows that thrived at ratcheting up the tension week after week, Dexter reached the point of diminishing returns well before the end of its run.

And as a prequel with a foregone conclusion, Original Sin might have an even tougher time keeping us on the edge of our seats.

Christian Slater Joins Dexter: Original Sin

"Set in 1991 Miami, DEXTER: ORIGINAL SIN follows Dexter (Gibson) as he transitions from student to avenging serial killer," reads a press release from Showtime.

"When his bloodthirsty urges can’t be ignored any longer, Dexter must learn to channel his inner darkness.

Michael C. Hall Criticizes Dexter Finale

"With the guidance of his father, Harry (Slater), he adopts a Code designed to help him find and kill people who deserve to be eliminated from society without getting on law enforcements’ radar," the announcement continues.

"This is a particular challenge for young Dexter as he begins a forensics internship at the Miami Metro Police Department."

Dexter's Truths - Dexter: New Blood Season 1 Episode 9

Hey, if you're a Dexter fan, then that description is probably enough to get your mouth watering.

But is there enough juice left in this story to fuel two simultaneous spinoffs?

Showtime's not exactly setting the world on fire these days so the acceptable reward threshold for this risky venture might be awfully low.

But the network could wind up infuriating subscribers if it offers up a double dose of bloodless Dexter projects.

What do you think, TV fanatics? Does the thought of more Dexter get your blood pumping, or is this latest spinoff DOA?

Hit the comments section below to share your thoughts!

Tyler Johnson is an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic and the other Mediavine O&O sites. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, cooking, and, of course, watching TV. You can Follow him on X and email him here at TV Fanatic.

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Dexter Quotes

The only real question I have is why in a building full of cops, all supposedly with a keen insight to the human soul, is Doakes the only one who gets the creep from me.

Dexter Morgan

I think this is a friendly message like, "Hey! wanna play?" and yes I wanna play. I really really do.

Dexter Morgan