Terrified Tami

Tami Taylor wears a frightened, sad expression in one scene from the season premiere. The woman has a lot on her plate, to say the very least.

Assistant Coach Street

Jason Street has found new life on the football field... as as assistant coach for the Dillon Panthers. The former star QB may not be able to play in the NFL after his accident, but his presence is still invaluable to the team.

Pretty Tyra

Tyra Collette is a beautiful girl... and not one to be typified as a stereotypical blonde cheerleader. She's an outcast like a certain other fellow in Dillon we know.

Smash: One Hot Prospect

Smash Williams is on the cover of Texas Football, a big-time publication about some of the state's hot prospects. Will this all-star running back take it to the next level this year?

Lyla Gets Baptized

The struggling Lyla Garrity recommits herself to her Christian faith by being baptized formally in the season premiere.

Grace Taylor

Grace Taylor looks a little surprised in this picture. Might have a little to do with being alive for the first time and everything.

Eric and Julie

Eric Taylor and Julie Taylor have a lot to talk about, namely the birth of Julie's younger sister and his being away in Austin all summer long with his new job.

The Coaching Staff

The new head coach and Mac McGill talk strategy during Dillon football practice. How long will this guy last?

Coach and Grace

Coach Taylor holds his newborn daughter, Grace Taylor. So cute!

Coach Hugs Grandma

Coach Taylor hugs Matt Saracen's ever-present grandmother. She's the best... even if she doesn't know where she is right now.

Lucky Landry

Landry Clarke applies suntan lotion to the object of his affections, Ms. Tyra Collette. But is trouble on the way with these two?

Beautiful Tyra

Tyra Collette in a wet tank top over a bikini is a sight likely to catch the interest of Landry Clarke... and every other guy in sight. She's not unattractive...

Friday Night Lights Season 2 Quotes

Lyla: You feel closer to God when you're with me? Did you think that line was gonna work?
Tim: It's not a line.
Lyla: Get out!

Eric: How are things with Matt?
Julie: What does this have to do with you?
Eric: What does this have to do with me? I'm your father, that's what it has to do with me.